Discussion in 'Community Events' started by VARDZ, Jul 11, 2014.

  1. skywalker

    skywalker Professional

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    Thanks VARDZ for organising it. Its been interesting for a newbie like me :)

    @garyw61 let me know if your net is playing up and you want me to host. Once my boy is in bed, Im a free agent tonight as the handbrake is catching up with old work mates, so I should be on from around 7:30ish
    VARDZ likes this.
  2. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    If all goes well I'll be there, If I'm not on time don't wait. I have had absolutely no practice yet so I'll be learning as I go.
  3. Bluemoon

    Bluemoon Professional Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Thanks for organising a great series. It's nice to race different cars with different characteristics in a no tuning series. The BRZ suits me well. As for the title, there's still a good chance you can snatch the win from me with it being double points.
    Maybe we should reduce the double points since it's a short series in future. :p
    VARDZ likes this.
  4. DoogleDave

    DoogleDave Team Driver

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    I'll be setting up Assetto Corsa tonight on the PC but plan to jump on for the finale race.
    Only did one brief practice stint at Fuji early last week but I know the track well enough from GT6 season 2 so I'll take my chances on the night.

    Thanks for running this series Vardz, it has been an awful lot of fun and its great that we've been able to maintain it until completion!
    VARDZ likes this.
  5. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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  6. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Wow what a race. Had no practice and got into the room late.

    Qualifying already underway I managed a low 1:39 then spun and qualifying was over so started last.
    Had a slight off on lap one and in the early laps tapped Blindman sideways around turn 1 but waited to redress.
    Kept the tires nice and made the 30min mark with the front left at 3.
    Had used 70L so put in 50L.
    By the time everyone made their second stops I had 21sec lead.
    Second stop at 1hr mark, down to 10L put in 80L.
    Everyone made their third stops but this time the gap was only 14-16 secs
    Blindman, CAGME & slambo started gaining.
    On new tires I had low 1:38s and on worn high 1:39s-low 1:40s.
    Blindman had to pit for fuel and CAGME & slambo battled so the gap finished at 6-8secs I believe.

    Couldn't believe I had survived! so pumped right now BEEP BOOP!!
    skywalker, Anon666, MINT_GTR and 3 others like this.
  7. VARDZ

    VARDZ World Champion

    PSN ID
    @Hatfield Gold results
    1st MINT
    2nd Rotor
    3rd Fastboy POLE & FL
    4th Anon
    Bronze Results
    1st Ranok3n.... FL
    2nd Emmo46
    3rd Evilmoon POLE
    4th Vardz
    5th Kart
    6th Patg65
  8. VARDZ

    VARDZ World Champion

    PSN ID
    Congratz hatfield. I got my win and felt the same way you are now
    SuiCid3 and Blindman like this.
  9. Blindman

    Blindman Team Driver

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    Vardz and crew thanks for a good series !
    SuiCid3 and VARDZ like this.
  10. Blindman

    Blindman Team Driver

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    Well I think I was the only one with a full set up and still couldn't get on the podium :( Well done to all the guys in the silver room thanks for some good racing well done to Hatfield you didn't drive the wheels of it and came away with the win from last place .
  11. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    silver results
    blindman FL

    I'll try to finish tables tomorrow
  12. Slambobagan

    Slambobagan Professional Super ROOZ

    Dam right DRZ what a epic race, well done on the win, didnt see ya all race you wer that far ahead,
    Got a good start and had a 7 sec lead until I ran out of fuel before my 2nd stop lap 13 I only put in enough fuel for 12 laps as I was planning to do 11 lap stints, bugger. Lost my lead and
    battled with Cagme for the last 28laps side by side for almost whole laps at a time. Was so good racing with ya.
    I pitted a lap earlier for my third stop hoping for the undercut but didn't work, put too much fuel in this time had to work hard to get in front of Cagme with 6 laps to go but once my tyres wer down to 2 on the front I couldn't hold Cagme back and he passed me on the last lap:(
    Congrats on the championship.
    And thanks vardz for the awesome series, can't wait the next one. :cool:
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2014
    SuiCid3, VARDZ and COME_AND_GET_ME7 like this.
  13. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Thanks fellas, great race, I didn't see much of Sui all race until he caught me at the end, I had no way of holding him out, he just breezed past me down the straight. Good race, I enjoyed it.
    VARDZ and SuiCid3 like this.

    COME_AND_GET_ME7 Professional

    What a race to finish off the inaugural HTO GT300 series. With everything to play for and with slambo doing a 37.4 in practice while I was stuck in the high 38's I thought slambo already had his named engraved on the trophy before the race had even begun. Had a brilliant qually somehow putting out a 38.6 then bettering that to a 38.4 which was to my surprise good enough for poll 2 weeks running.

    What a truly epic race. 54 laps of truly awesome racing with slambo. Both of us would pull a several second lead from the other then somehow pull each other back in. With about 7 laps to go slambo managed to pull a decent lead and I thought for sure there was no coming back for CAGM. But somehow in the dying few laps I managed to real him in and get the pass done at turn 1 on the final lap as slambo's tyres gave up on him.

    Congrats hatfield on the win that must have been a lonely last 40 laps? I didn't see you all race. And when I saw the gap barely closing when I was on fresh and you on worn I knew there was no chance of catching you. 2 rounds in a row going one less pit has payed off for you :D.

    Thanks Vardz for an awesome series. Cant wait to jump back in the RX7 in the next one.
    VARDZ likes this.
  15. SuiCid3

    SuiCid3 Professional

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    What a race for me!
    Lap 3, got emmo's tow on the main straight, but he did an over/under move on me into the first corner.
    Exact same thing happened on lap 4.
    Tried the same move on lap 5, but this time I outbroke myself.
    Same lap, second last corner and I had the speed to put it on the inside of emmo, and I don't think he saw me there, so turned into me.
    Racing incident I suppose. Unfortunately for me, that unsettled my car and I was in the wall before you know it.
    Was able to keep position in front of the following pack, but then the dirty tyres lost out coming out of the last turn and I was facing backwards then, waiting for the rest of the field to pass before recovering.
    I thought for sure my race was ruined then, but I kept my head down and started pushing like mad.
    Passed Kart in another few laps. Then slowly caught pat and Vardz battling managing to get both of them on lap 9.
    That whole stint was then spent very slowly, reeling in emmo and 3vil.
    Pitted at the end of lap 14 and with some quick calculations, put in 25L.
    3vil pitted before me, so I figured I would be on the same pit strategy as he was. Emmo pitted lap 18, so I had a feeling he was trying a 2 stop.
    I jumped emmo during his first stop and pushed like hell to catch 3vil.
    Over the next 9 laps I managed to close right up to him, with both of us pitting on lap 27.
    I calculated that 45L would be safe enough to see me through to the next pitstop, and this worked out perfectly as I managed to jump 3vil on the exit.
    Through a number of uncharacteristic errors from 3vil, I was able to pull away and build a comfortable gap between us.
    This allowed me to concentrate on clean, fast laps.
    Emmo pitted on lap 36 while I resumed the lead for Bronze. I knew I had to keep at it to minimise any advantage emmo would have during my last pit. My final pit was on lap 41, with 3vil following my lead a couple of seconds behind. From quick and dirty maths, I figured 55L would be a safe amount.
    So out I go, and I can see emmo has a healthy lead. It didn't really help when R0t0R and Mint were closing in to lap me. Fortunately I was able to let them through without costing any of us time.
    I had comfort in knowing that those two would be catching emmo in a couple of laps time.... and I had to make sure I wasn't too far off to take advantage of it!
    By lap 48 I had him in my sights... lap 49 I had a bit of a scare by running wide and onto the grass. I was able to keep it tidy, so only lost about a cars length. By lap 50 I was on his tail with about 7 minutes to go and another intense battle ensued.
    Lap 51 I got another tow and again emmo managed to defend his position out of the first corner.
    Lap 52 was another repeat, but this time I tried a run on the inside and try to block the apex, but emmo was way too strong here!
    With 2 minutes left I decided to tail him and draft him on the final lap to beat him to the flag.
    Misfortune decided to greet emmo at turn 13? when he overstepped it and would have spun if not for my car being at the right place at the right time. This allowed him to bounce off me and straighten up, thankfully it wasn't enough to end my race!
    I took the lead from there and held him off to the end, finishing 1 lap down.
    emmo46 and VARDZ like this.
  16. SuiCid3

    SuiCid3 Professional

    PSN ID
    1. Mint - 1.36.737
    2. R0t0R - 1.36.538
    3. fastboy - 1.36.419
    4. Anon - 1.37.292
    5. ranok3n - 1.38.289 (PB! YEAH!)
    6. emmo - 1.39.224
    7. 3vi1 - 1.39.290
    8. Vardz - 1.38.713
    9. Kart - 1.39.024
    10. pat - 1.39.693
    VARDZ likes this.
  17. DoogleDave

    DoogleDave Team Driver

    PSN ID
    Congrats to Hatfield for the win and to CAGM for the championship in the Silver room!
    Apologies for pulling out last night but with no practice and not much desire I persisted for about 30mins and went off-track so many times by pushing the car way too hard to try and catch the pack ahead I had lost count - and patience with myself. I saw the leaders not far behind and knew it was only another lap or two before I would be lapped and at that point I decided to head back to the pits for the duration of the race (something I don't normally do, but last night I was tired, not in a great mood and driving badly so I decided to call it a night).

    Thanks again to Vardz for such a great event and with the exception of last night (for me), the whole series was really good fun and I hope to participate in the next one! :)
    Blindman and VARDZ like this.
  18. garyw61

    garyw61 Gary Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Yep, thanks again Vardz, great series!
    SuiCid3 and VARDZ like this.
  19. MINT_GTR

    MINT_GTR Professional Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    What a finale to a great series.

    I qualified 2nd and got a decent start. Settled in 2nd early on while Anon and rotor were behind me waiting for a slip to pounce and fastboy drove off into the distance. A slip soon followed and I shuffled to the back of the pack. I tried the undercut when 1st round of pitstops came up and with success came out back in 2nd. From there I tried to push to put some space on 3rd but Rotor had all the answers with some impressive pace, we enjoyed a short battle until he passed and pushed on. The next part of the race, I tried to keep my head down and stay in touch with what included the top 2 now with fastboy slipping up and losing is well built lead. No positions changed until the final pitstops took place, rotor pitted on lap 40 with myself/fastboy pitting a lap later. I am unsure what happened in that stop but I was able to jump fastboy and come out just shy of the new leader, Rotor. I gave it everything to reduce the gap to tenths and with 10odd minutes to go, I overtook for the lead. I was fortunate to gain a lead just outside of my slipstream to Rotor and narrowly held on for a very unexpected win :D

    Congrats to CAGME and evilmoon on winning their division championships.

    A big thanks to Vardz on running a cracker first season, every race was filled with strategy which resulted in enjoyable and epic close finishes. With some of the ideas being thrown around out the back for next season, I will definitely be on the start grid again :)
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2014
    VARDZ and SuiCid3 like this.
  20. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Sorry SuiCid3 I put you off track, I didn't feel a touch, I thought there was room, you did really well to come back and just when I thought I had the win you seemed to come out of no where and take it from me. I thought I could make it wide enough to hold you off because you were getting past me after the finish line each lap. My run wide into the final complex ruined my chances although on the last lap I was pulling you in again and thought I might get you as the clock ran down and we did another lap. Unfortunately because it was a timed race I didn't get that chance as the race ended as we crossed the line a lap down. I enjoyed the battle and hope I wasn't too rough.
    VARDZ and SuiCid3 like this.