Division 3 season 10

Discussion in 'GTLOZ Past Seasons' started by stucar17, Jan 3, 2013.

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  1. M1K1_D

    M1K1_D Miki D

    Just a reminder for anyone who didn't notice. Tonights race will be run on Sports Soft tyres. Not the mediums like previous 2 rounds.
  2. Rumbleshorts

    Rumbleshorts Jonno

    Sprints are fun, too bad it is being held at scuba
  3. hsv_butters

    hsv_butters Ash Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Just got home after trading in 5 games with a new slim PS3 :)
    Will see how the updates go
  4. JonoStan96

    JonoStan96 Legend Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    JonoStan96 (J.Stankowski)
    Hope all goes well!
  5. hsv_butters

    hsv_butters Ash Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Looks like I'm not going to make the races this evening, the updates are still going and it's got a long way to go.
    Good luck all.
  6. Rumbleshorts

    Rumbleshorts Jonno

    Could everyone start to jump online 10m earlier than they currently do? We keep having the same issues (across all divisions) which keep holding us up and the race start keeps getting further and further behind. I understand you have lives, etc, but this sin't a 1 off thing :p

    It is supposed to be 8:20 not 8:40. I can't recall a start being when it was supposed to be in the last 4 series'.

    EDIT: Just frustrated, siome nights I wanna keep on going, others I like to finish when we should.

    Sorry for the venting!
  7. Bluemoon

    Bluemoon Professional Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    I do agree that we should start on time. The room is usually open from 7:45, so there's more than enough time for issues to be sorted out. We should come to a consensuses though.

    Anyway, I'm still at the back of the pack, so I guess I'm not good in this car. :) It's still fun trying to keep miki and rumble behind though.

    R1 PSN           Time       Fastest
    01 sidfire1      22:55.126  1:01.203  (pole)
    02 garyw61         +01.164  1:01.556
    03 VENDALISM       +01.384  1:01.298
    04 mmm_homebrew    +08.720  1:01.683
    05 daninline6      +15.302  1:01.514
    06 disturboed      +15.590  1:01.662
    07 Rumbleshorts    +20.590  1:02.040
    08 X-3vi1m00n      +21.689  1:02.267
    09 ROOZ_Miki       +21.942  1:01.607
    10 Aza2672         DNF      1:01.870  (D/c lap 20)
    R2 PSN           Time       Fastest      
    01 VENDALISM     22:49.580  1:01.076
    02 disturboed      +08.006  1:01.390 
    03 daninline6      +08.280  1:01.084
    04 sidfire1        +09.533  1:01.079
    05 garyw61         +09.879  1:01.143
    06 Aza2672         +15.483  1:01.553
    07 mmm_homebrew    +17.978  1:01.717
    08 ROOZ_Miki       +19.036  1:01.380
    09 X-3vi1m00n      +41.542  1:02.126
    10 Rumbleshorts    +42.693  1:02.304
    Fastest lap
    01 1:01.076 VENDALISM     
    02 1:01.079 sidfire1      
    03 1:01.084 daninline6    
    04 1:01.143 garyw61       
    05 1:01.380 ROOZ_Miki     
    06 1:01.390 disturboed    
    07 1:01.553 Aza2672       
    08 1:01.683 mmm_homebrew  
    09 1:02.040 Rumbleshorts
    10 1:02.126 X-3vi1m00n    
    Final result
    01 sidfire1      25+12/2 = 31
    02 VENDALISM     15+25/2 = 27.5
    03 garyw61       18+10/2 = 23
    04 daninline6    10+15/2 = 17.5
    05 disturboed     8+18/2 = 17
    06 mmm_homebrew  12+ 6/2 = 15
    07 Rumbleshorts   6+ 1/2 =  6.5
    08 Aza2672        1+ 8/2 =  5
    09 X-3vi1m00n     4+ 2/2 =  5
    10 ROOZ_Miki      2+ 4/2 =  4
  8. garyw61

    garyw61 Gary Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Well done once again sid. Some great driving, especially the first race. You were always that 3-4 seconds in front of me, and I couldn't hunt you down. Apologies to Ven, who was presented with my very wide arse for about the last 6 or 7 laps.

    Well done in race 2 ven, some very fast pace. Turbo and dan very quick too. I thought I would try conserving the tyres a bit to have a go at the end, but just didnt have enough to pull it off.

    Once again, some real good tight racing. Great fun, thanks guys!
  9. aussie_man21

    aussie_man21 Moderator Team Raceonoz

    PSN ID
    Mazda has gained 6 PP so the NEW PP IS 473.. Will talk wih Mods to see what we will do..

    So just run the Mazda STOCK and AT THE 473PP LEVEL

  10. Bluemoon

    Bluemoon Professional Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    I just remember that I'm attending a Fringe event on Sunday, so I won't be able to host.
    Can Rumble or gary host this Sunday's Monza session? I was looking forward to a wet race too! :(
  11. Rumbleshorts

    Rumbleshorts Jonno

    I can host, no worries :)
  12. Cyber_STIG_77

    Cyber_STIG_77 Moderator Team Raceonoz

    PSN ID
    after further testing for sundays wet race at monza it has been decided that the settings need to be changed to allow a even playing feild across all divisions, this will guarantee a full wet race and a qualifying.

    surface water 100%
    weather 75%
    changeability 0
    tyres - racing wets ( you will need to purchace racing tyres to enable the wets ) tyres will be set to " no limit "
    laps 21

    sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused but it is in everyones interest to have a fair and equal race across all divisions.

    the track list thread has been updated with the current changes.
  13. stucar17

    stucar17 Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Guys, the reason we did this was because there is no way to stop the surface water getting to go to 100% if that is the way the random setting makes it. The settings could also take the water to 0, giving us a full dry race.

    With the sports Medium tire, anything over about 75% is almost un-drivable and rather than race, it becomes an exercise in just keeping the car on the track.

    In changing the regs, it guarantees that every room is the same, and everyone can now practice with out any changes to the conditions.

    Remember that you will have to buy a set of race tires to have access to the FULL RAIN tire.

  14. Cyber_STIG_77

    Cyber_STIG_77 Moderator Team Raceonoz

    PSN ID
    Just to be safe I have updated the weather to 100% to ensure constant rain, this will not change the grip on the track at all it will only guarantee constant rain.
  15. stucar17

    stucar17 Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    have added t_b_williams to your division guys.

    With lips and stiffsht out no point having empty spots on the grid.

    I have emailed him and am awaiting a reply


    hope you guys are ready for what will be a very tough race for round 4 at Monza.

    Just a heads up that the first lap will be diabolical if we dont use our heads a little and get through the first chicane.

    If you are mid pack or towards the rear make sure you arent the one sponsored by AMF bowling centres wink

    I have never run a full wet race before, and from the prac i have done its pretty clear it will be a tough challenge, so please try to get through the first lap without incident......and if you do happen to run out of talent, please REDRESS.
  16. garyw61

    garyw61 Gary Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Welcome TB! You are in for some fun - a great bunch of blokes in div 3 (as for all divisions here).

    Well, I have learnt 2 things doing some practice for this race.

    1. A fast time requires good throttle control.
    2. I don't have good throttle control.

    Should be a fun race anyway. Yes, hopefully we can all keep our heads at turn 1.

    You still ok to host Rumbles? I can also if required.
  17. Rumbleshorts

    Rumbleshorts Jonno

    Still good to host :)
  18. Rumbleshorts

    Rumbleshorts Jonno

    We seriously need to look at an alternative night for the league races. It seems every other night of the week there are no issues with people's connections but come Sunday it all kicks in...
  19. stucar17

    stucar17 Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Weird, for a change ours was almost perfect with 12.
  20. disturboed

    disturboed Damian Hall Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Round 4 Race Report

    Well, I got into the room at 7.45 as I wanted to make sure I was all connected and good to go before race time. I was in with 4 others and all connections were good. I then had to go off and put the kids to bed before qualifying started, and when I came back others had joined, and I couldn't see a couple of them.

    I think there needs to be a stated policy on the "still loading" connections that you get from time to time. My suggestion is that if you enter a room and get the loading bar stuck under others, then you must be the one to leave the room and rejoin. I believe it to be unfair for the person who joined first to be expected to rejoin, especially if they are already on track and especially if its during a qualifying session. When you join a room, you need to give it about 60 seconds before joining the track to check all connections, as it may come up everybody is fine straight away, but it can change.

    So, in this instance I again rejoined the room even though I had been there longer.

    Qualifying finally gets under way, and I find my rhythm within a couple of laps and lap 4 i throw down a 1.15.6, my fastest time and with no draft. It put me on provisional pole. And then BAM!, we had a power blip and it resetted the modem and router and I got D/C'd.

    It took me a while to get all the equipment back up and running again, and then the bloody PS3 wouldn't sign in to PSN even though the internet was back on (hence my shoutbox posts). Restart, reload try again. I fully expected the race to be underway by the time i got back in (it was like 6 minutes), but others had been having their own issues and the race hadn't started. Did a quick couple laps and got into 4th spot, but my earlier time was still showing as the quickest (who gets pole award in that circumstance?).

    Right now onto race start. Got away nicely, drew alongside Gary (started 3rd) and then managed to get around the inside and then outside of chicane when he outbraked himself and tapped into Sid (2nd). I think this actually helped Sid into 1st, and I was able to outdrag Miki for 2nd spot into the left hand sweeper. I was then trying to focus on finding the rhythm and staying with Sid and I was confident I had enough pace to keep with him. 2/3'ds the way through lap 2, the bloody steering wheel came away from the wheel stand. It got me distracted enough I didn't brake early into the final chicane and went for a drive in the beach. Came out dead last essentially but not too far behind and I was trying to redo the grips for the wheel and maintain pace at the same time. Next lap though I ended up spinning on the exit of the same chicane so just stopped and did it up properly. By the time I got going i was nearly 1 minute behind and my race was effectively done.

    I was absolutely ropable at this point and my driving was just not up to scratch. A few little more mistakes and a couple more minor spins would cost me any gains I was making on the tail end of the field. I finally re-focused and calmed down, and by this time I knew I couldn't get any further ahead, so I pitted lap 14 or so and put on some fresh boots and tried my best to lay a fast time. I did manage a 2.15.2 with no draft so I was pretty happy with that.

    Well done to Sid on his dominating drive, and to Miki and Gaz for bringing up the podium.
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