Gran Turismo 7 Season 51 Division 1B

Discussion in 'GTLOZ Past Seasons' started by Viperzed, Jul 12, 2023.

  1. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Qualifying seemed to be going well as I was 0.006 off pole with one lap to run, but the track was getting quicker as time went on and the sun rose, so I ended up 7th instead lol.

    Started ok but tapped @Ian Cannan at Eau Rouge and it unsettled my car and I was swamped. Then trying to pass @lets_party-1611 I lost the rear and spun.
    I settled in and made up places to be 5th in the closing stages. @dunamotornz caught @Apex_64 and passed him ahead, but when apex went to retake him, @MMC_EATHinNZ had spun ahead of them and yellow flags were out which gave apex a penalty.
    I drove by at the end of the lap while he was serving and had a few laps of nervous driving but he couldn't get close enough then dropped off on the last lap, I presume to save fuel?
    Surprised with a podium as my race wasn't mistake free
    Congrats on another win @xlxy90
  2. xlxy90

    xlxy90 Professional

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    Wind was in the opposite direction in the race than what I was practicing with. It made adjusting really difficult with the different braking zones.

    Had 1 big spin that lost me about 9 seconds to Eath, and a few minor slip ups that cost a good chunk of time in some awkward spots. Outside of that I made the fuel last 12 laps and had the mediums fired up well.

    Eath unlucky with that spin late in the race when you were right behind me, was shaping to be a close finish
  3. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    I was patting myself on the back for finishing only about 18 seconds behind you, hearinng you lost a lot of time with spins etc has taken the shine off it a bit. I rarely do well at Spa though.
  4. lets_party-1611

    lets_party-1611 Rookie

    PSN ID
    Hello has any one gone through this problem.
    I have now realised it's the game not my equipment or me ..
    I came into your room. Hat , went on track and had heaps of grip did couple lap s 218.1..
    You then started qualifying and its was terrible all grip gone just understeer..cut a long story short I didn't get grip back till about lap 14 when I changed to medium s and was 3rd lap on mediums and old man 05 had nearly caught me then it just came back ...
    It happens every race ...
    Any idea s please...
  5. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    could be the time of day and weather.
    when we were running laps in my room before qualifying, the room had been up since about 7 if i remember correctly.
    when we reset for qualifying, the time of day goes back to early dawn so the track has less grip
  6. xlxy90

    xlxy90 Professional

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    Wind changes make a big difference too. I was doing low 17s in practice but could barely get a mid/high 17 in quali.
  7. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    I had a similar issue, I don't know if it was the wind, the temperature, what I had for dinner or the placebos I'm on, but I couldn't get it together in qually. I had done the one hour 800PP race three times and many other laps so was hoping to do well. I was generally able to do 2:18s on BOP settings and even clocked a mid 17 that afternoon in a practice room with about 5 others. My final lap in qually was the only clean lap and I ended up least 3 seconds of my PB and 1.8 seconds off the guy in 2nd last place. In the race I also struggled for pace but the practice at least allowed me to be consistent, avoiding disaster and keeping from crashes I'm sure I would have had if I hadn't practiced so much. The 1 hour runs also added considerably to my credit balance.
  8. lets_party-1611

    lets_party-1611 Rookie

    PSN ID
    okay okay...
    let me be more detailed..
    i came into the room did 3 laps and thought wow feels good driving easy had grip everywhere ..we start qualify and was still good i just over drove it and still get to excited when we qualify and seem to not relax..
    race starts and we go and straight away it just understeers every where and can only do 220 ,221 ..well during the race hatfield and old man 05 end up behind me ..
    hatfield is the first on too catch me and we go down straight and i have not said anything because the hatfield i remember was not like that and i had such understeer that hatfield hit my rear and sent me wide but he never redressed but karma got him and he spun out and i know that wont happen again because he was the poster boy for clean racing along with warrior and emmo.. ...but at how bad the car feels to drive im just watching who catches me next..i end up running wide and am wanting to quit and retire ..i just dont understand this ..i keep going and old man05 is behind me he was on pole so i thought he is fast it would be good if i could follow him and stay with him till the finish, we had pit for medium tyres , well old man 05 is catching me fast and im waiting to let him past, we both on mediums , well just like night and day my car comes to life and suddenly im keeping pace and holding that gap it was crazy i got it up to 4 to 5 sec..had no one to catch but able to do 219.0 in a row ..
    i have had this since i started racing back with rooz..i have bought ps5 i have fanatec csl , still had problem gone and bought dd pro so i can work out if im just need more practise or its the equipment...because this understeer in lobbys in this car is every time i go practise or sunday race .;i understand this is such a small thing and can be any possible little suggestion you all have made ..but i have put alot of time into this game in the past and only want to race if im competitive other wise i dont want to just run around the back ..i come from a go kart car racing backround and really enjoy online racing when its clean and no one makes mistakes..its so good.. well every time we start the race it is terrible and i cant understand why my car wont turn..i have bought everything possible and i finally had one more thing left which is the lobby or the game or the host connection that is all i have do i put medium tyres on and go 2 seconds a lap faster how come i have no understeer any more how can old man05 catch me that fast and then suddenly i start holding the gap ..that makes no sense...any way so for the long message but i have not been online in over 4 years and i was so excited to go lobby racing again but i keep starting races and i just understeer normally it just stays like that the whole race but last night was the first time the car came back to normal and i could drive it again
  9. lets_party-1611

    lets_party-1611 Rookie

    PSN ID
    sorry just pushed send never checked what i wrote hopefully it makes sense
  10. lets_party-1611

    lets_party-1611 Rookie

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    hello again I have gone and tried one other thing that it could be and I think it is that ..
    I went and tried it and it stayed the same..thanks everyone for there help..I know you have been on the edge of your seat and wanting to know if or will he fix it or is it just him..especially my favourite Hatfield..from the people I can remember Hatfield is the most improved from then till now..very impressive..I do all this for you Hatfield , better internet , better sim different place new the next time you go straight past me I can only blame myself...
  11. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    I don't know if this will help but I find this thing an understeering pig. I too have been trying to get my head around it. What I have realized is this car doesn't like to be pushed into a corner and responds best when it is coaxed. It has trail braking understeer which frustrates me no end. I find if I push I will get understeer and I am normally a pusher, it works for me with most FWD. 4WD and mid engine cars but these FR GT3 cars aren't my thing. You may be suffering the same thing I am in that when you are practicing and calm you aren't getting the understeer but when you want to qualify or get into it at the start of the race you push and the understeer raises it's head. I find I have to slow early and turn in earlier and dive tight up against the apex to mitigate the under steer.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2023
    Apex_64 and Viperzed like this.
  12. Apex_64

    Apex_64 Professional

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    I think what Party is experiencing apart from the relationship you have to negotiate with this car, is track behavior change. Others have have mentioned most parts of it, wind change, cloudy or sunny, the track itself can behave differently, after room resets or a new session.
    Also I must admit this being my first season racing in GT7, I am very wet behind the ears to the new characteristics.
    But in saying this, I too felt the mediums were like hards for 5 laps, then they came good to the point of being close to my soft times, this grip definitely was front end mainly. Then disappeared again with lap to go.
    When time is accelerated by about 4 or more I get the perception that handling is constantly changing, this along with weather can make practice very misleading for times. I have been having a larger difference in my qually to practice times, both ways than I was before my return.
    I too upped my internet speed, because I was getting occasional lag, especially at starts.
    Still trying to wrap my head around the yellow flag penalty, I didn't overtake, i just stayed on track, no flag into corner.
    either. I would much rather corner cutting penalties on, and they as much fairer than that ridiculous situation. So i think it should be rely on the game with all, or turn those flag rules off. Pit cut penalty is fine and a gr8 time saver i am sure. (obviously I have already got that one lol)
    Anyway as Party said, it is good to be back, i am racing like crap still and 45 mins is much longer than i remembered lol.
    Congratulations on the win XLXY.
  13. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    FYI I remember our moment.
    From my view I was on the right of you and there was very slight overlap. Under brakes you moved over which is why we touched IMO
  14. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    I agree your yellow flag penalty was BS. However, the reason flag rules are on is for 2 reasons:
    1. blue flags, letting people know the leader is coming up on them (in VR you don't get a driver list etc as far as I know)
    2. yellow flags, letting people know someone has crashed ahead so we don't barrel around a blind corner and crash into them
    unfortunately the penaltys with flag rules cannot be disabled as it isn't a separate setting
    Apex_64 and T F Eccles like this.
  15. lets_party-1611

    lets_party-1611 Rookie

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    I love online gaming and this forum. And how different we all think and as a lot of us have talk on chat or online met in a room and typed messages ....and when we have issues or incidents we watcha replay and give our opinion ..its not like we meet at the track and you can have a drive to me what you think any way my problem is fixed I did some practise last night with my fellow rooz and we did 5 lap race s and it was back to normal....shout out to britz lightning his car design livery s are amazing so talented...
    boneslightning, emmo46 and RBRHoges97 like this.
  16. lets_party-1611

    lets_party-1611 Rookie

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    As I'm not yet up to speed like hat xl xy old man apex and everyone in 1b I have to spend a lot of time getting faster and I now have my sim at my place it has once again taken over my life..I grew up racing and really enjoy it so I don't know how not to get home and not turn it on...any way I am online ever night till I go and seek help or maybe a psychologist..
    So if your keen to practise or full distance race I will be there...send me a message I come find your room
    Darren Day likes this.
  17. Darren Day

    Darren Day Rookie

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    Hey guys thanks for letting me join the series late. I haven't raced on gt7 prior to Sundays race and I think my ring rust showed. Obviously i was very happy yet surprised with qualy results. But unfortunately it didn't take long for the ring rust to show through. I haven't watched my replay as yet but i think i false started and then still panicking from the botched start i crashed at the left hander after kemmel straight. I settled down ok and caught up to Emmo a bit only to suffer some unexpected aero wash and again crashed lol. After this i concentrated on chasing lets party and made good time on him with the mediums. I probably did half of my practice runs on mediums so I was able to fire them up pretty quickly and attack the course. I then went into fuel saving mode and managed the gap between myself and lets party until i foolishly realized I had saved one to many laps of fuel. ring rust again! I was never going to attempt to pass as I realised whenever i got close to the rear of a car they would start lagging with the car going everywhere across the track This diminished my confidence to have a go at overtaking anyone so i was just pleased to run to the line and not kill anyone and get a race under my belt. I hope to have the lag issues fixed before sundays race.
    nb; Thanks Hatfield for moving out of the way during qualy when you made a mistake and letting me continue on a hot one. Gentlemanly and great race etiquette!
    Apex_64, Hatfield and Adam Thompson like this.
  18. lets_party-1611

    lets_party-1611 Rookie

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    Hi Darren I apologise I have been writing old man05 instead of old timer05 ..
  19. lets_party-1611

    lets_party-1611 Rookie

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    Online practising if any one keen
  20. lets_party-1611

    lets_party-1611 Rookie

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    How many laps race at trial Mountain please
    ADZA_85 likes this.