GT - Future Seasons ideas thread

Discussion in 'GTLOZ Past Seasons' started by Hatfield, Nov 7, 2017.

  1. gtkingx

    gtkingx Team Driver Gold Member

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    I'd like to see qualifying changed in future. As it is at the moment, you can put in a week of practice and get outqualified by other drivers who can't do the same lap time but are lucky enough to get behind the right driver or have a friend/s in their division to work with to slipstream. The regulations were changed this season to stop fuel burning supposedly to make qualifying more about who is actually deserving of the place on the grid but all it's done is make qualifying entirely about slipstreaming.

    It'll be interesting to see how the 1 hot lap qualifying works in the SCNG series, might be an option for Sunday season
    Apex_64, MINT_GTR and UrsineSaturn9 like this.
  2. Matthyus

    Matthyus GTLOZ Results Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    That or turn off slip streaming for qually.
    Then it is purely based on your skills as a driver, to find clean space and go for it.

    MINT_GTR Professional Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Adding to the 1 hot lap qualifying idea, we had it successfully introduced for the FIA World Finals and it was able to be effectively done in a 10minute quali setting which aligns well with our current qualifying time.
    For those that haven’t seen it, the process was as follows:

    • The group of drivers were split into 2 groups (Order was by overall FIA season results, for ROOZ it could be done by current championship order)
    • When the 10 minute session begins, in order, each driver from Group 1 were released at 10 seconds intervals. We were told our time to go before the session started. (Strict rules were in place that you could not slow down on your warm up and must ensure you maintain the gap to the vehicle ahead and behind, before your 1 x flying lap begins)
    • When each driver from group 1 crosses the line to complete their 1 x flying lap, they exit back to the pits.
    • At the 5min mark, it’s a repeat process for group 2 drivers at 10 second release intervals.

    The group timing worked well as it ensured all Group 1 drivers would complete an outlap and hot lap before the 5min mark when Group 2 would begin.
    This qualifying process is undoubtedly the best feature that GT introduced to FIA world tour events and offers a solution for the issue of slipstream that is a massive advantage within this game. It also can make qualifying very unpredictable and exciting.

    Obviously in a round where we use a track that is really long, you would not have 2 groups and just have each driver go out at 10 second intervals - in order from current championship position.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2021

    MINT_GTR Professional Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Unfortunately you can’t turn off slipstream in GT, only the strength, which currently we have set at REAL. Any other setting and it’s actually stronger….. lol
    CaptainRisky21 likes this.
  5. CaptainRisky21

    CaptainRisky21 World Champion Gold Member

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    This is a very good idea, probably worth giving it a shot. Everyone just goes out for a 'top 16 shootout' type deal. Sounds awesome.
    gtkingx likes this.
  6. UrsineSaturn9

    UrsineSaturn9 World Champion Gold Member

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    This is the intent of SCNG on Thursday nights, though maybe less strict and formal on the release times and 2 groups. Also lobby settings won't allow for choosing tyres after qualifying so were going to run in practice mode with fuel on board
  7. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Something I have seen run in a 'sprint round' previously with a group before Rooz, was this:
    3 races
    Tyre compound usage rules still in effect but over the round, not each race (so you could use mediums in 1 race and softs in the other 2)
    Your best 2 results count and are added together to find the round results
    In the event someone gets spun or something and ends up at the back, they could pit for the harder compound to get its usage out of the way to ensure they have the best rubber for the other races

    Also, I am a fan of 1 lap qually (we used to run it in the TITTS series)
  8. Viperzed

    Viperzed GT7 League Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    I don't think our sprint format is the problem. The format itself is fine, just the weighting of the points.

    I personally would be against the introduction of one lap qualifying knowing full well that if you make any mistake you are relegated to the back of the grid, In Div 1 especially you have a lot of guys who believe defending a faster car for 14th position is a brilliant idea so it ends your night there and then. No slipstream is fine so releasing cars in intervals is a good idea.
    Easyprey007 likes this.
  9. gtkingx

    gtkingx Team Driver Gold Member

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    How do you keep cars apart though if there are multiple laps? Maybe it would work for a 2 hot lap quali but I think more than that and it would get messy and impossible to police. If it was done in two lots, two room captains, one goes in each session and the other spectates to ensure compliance, making it 2 laps(so 3 laps total) would probably increase qualifying time to 15 mins total
  10. Rangeraus

    Rangeraus Team Driver Gold Member

    Potential (if a little painful) solution
    You could set a 3-4 lap race with 0x fuel consumption and 0x tyre wear, with 3 minutes end of race timer.
    Use the first lap to set intervals and it would allow 2-3 hotlaps.
    Race results could then be viewed in lobby to view the fastest laps which would then be used to set the grid (manually).
    The replay of said race could be used to later verify that no one got a tow to set their fastest lap.
    Race settings would then be set and away we go.

    Or, we could just use the current setup and have a gentlemen's agreement just to not use a tow in qualifying

    There is no perfect solution unfortunately.
    UrsineSaturn9 and Apex_64 like this.
  11. Apex_64

    Apex_64 Professional

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    All of these ideas have merit, as does the tried and tested 10min qually. Slipstream being used has never bothered me either, but I do prefer to come out last with clear air and vision, and am willing to trade that for some maybe getting a slippy.
    My problem is different specs for qually and racing. The reasons for this change have been discussed above, but it is unrealistic and creates problems of its own. The main one being a different handling car in qually compared to the race, lighter and no tyre wear. This is hard if you can't practice, and is also unrealistic. If you can't hot lap for 10mins or atleast 8min, tyre wear is too high. If it is worthwhile to burn fuel in qually rather than hotlap, fuel consumption is too high.
  12. CaptainRisky21

    CaptainRisky21 World Champion Gold Member

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    Very good points, however it will always be beneficial to conserve tyres/fuel burn, no matter how high/low the wear rates are, at least in the higher divs. Any advantage that can be gained, will be gained, and can often be the difference between pole and somewhere outside the top 10, sadly.
  13. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    I think possibly a 2 flying lap qualifying could work, with staggered starts leaving the pits.
    If you spin enough for the next car to catch you, you pull over and resume behind the last car, ensuring you leave space to not gain slipstream. How to police? PS4/5 can save recent gameplay, so anyone can save footage of the mini map showing triangles too close to each other.
    Also a room captain would likely exit pits last and thus have a rear view to anyone attempting to gain their slipstream
    gtkingx likes this.
  14. UrsineSaturn9

    UrsineSaturn9 World Champion Gold Member

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    I had contemplated something very similar to this for SCNG even just for the single lap qualifying, but yeah, didn't want to bother with all the manual grid setting each round so stuck with practice mode and 2-5 second gaps.