ACC setup experiment

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by staffy0707, Jan 30, 2021.

  1. staffy0707

    staffy0707 Rookie

    ok so for those interested i ran a little experiment because I've been curious as to how much difference it truly makes. i ran a hotlap mode on Monza with optimum as this is by far my best rack. I've driven approx. 55hrs on Monza. so first off i did 5 laps with the default aggressive set up and only tweaked the tyre temps to suit and was able to do a 148.873. I then did 5 laps on my own set up and did a PB of 147.742.

    so in my conclusion and my own opinion if you are looking to improve your times then doing laps of a track will get you bigger gains rather than a particular setup. 148.8 is setup still a dam quick time on aggressive but i think the biggest thing i noticed was i was a lot more stable and comfortable in my own setup. so yes setups are still important but i there was a time i used to think i was slow because of setups where i think its more my driving than set up
    im certainly interested in what others get on their best tracks and their opinions on set ups so would love to hear some results from others
    CornfordCaster and Rolz like this.
  2. JJ_Penguin

    JJ_Penguin Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    I've been telling the console lads that its 80% driver 20% car setup. Knowing the track and hitting you reference points is more important than a setup.
    CornfordCaster and staffy0707 like this.
  3. CornfordCaster

    CornfordCaster Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    The amount of times a given setup has been better for me on a given day is astonishing.
    like many have said before, there is no magic setup that makes you faster but the tweaks in general should allow you drive to edge of your limit with more comfort and consistency. Learning the tendencies of each car and how to use those most effectively gives you just as much time as you would get from setup changes sometimes.
  4. UrsineSaturn9

    UrsineSaturn9 World Champion Gold Member

    PSN ID
    "Drivers make seconds, setups make tenths" - Aris
    staffy0707 likes this.