IRACING RaceOnOz Members on Iracing, add your name to the list

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Bonus 888, Jan 19, 2012.

  1. Bonus 888

    Bonus 888 Rookie

    yer, you picked the hard ones there, laguna is a slippery one.
  2. Timmo_821

    Timmo_821 TJ


    Don't mean to be picky but just incase, can you update the above to "Timothy Newman"


    MADCAP Rookie

    Frank Hodak - AKA "MADCAP" add me :):):):):)es =P
  4. Bonus 888

    Bonus 888 Rookie

    Added wench, now get your asss on the rooz teamspeak.

    I wasn't being standoffish last night, just don't talk much on the iracing channel, a few guys got :):):):)ty with me and Neisy talking while they were on hot laps a few times. On team speak we can talk as much as we like and talking doesn't really bother me too much when i'm on a hot lap. Tried that guys set up last night and found it real stable, was getting consistent 214.2's on the 4 laps I did before my PC crashed but couldn't match the 213.3 I did with the less stable setup. Some say if it feels real stable it will be slower and wreck the front tyres. This car needs to feel a little loose to get good times, just have to get used to that loose feeling. Took me till the end of last season to start running the looser setups but getting used to it now. I got both setups saved, so will muck around with them till Saturday then stick with the one I can get the best times with. On new tracks I havent raced at before it takes the whole week just to get the setup I will eventually stick with. One setup may be good at one part of the track and another in another part but lap times the same, decisions decisions.
    You getting good times already M8, expect you be right up there for an early win in the v8s, I think I can get the time down into the 211's once I stop changing things and just learn the track, see ya on the track tonight.

    MADCAP Rookie

    Yeah I totally understand with mic chat... I'll try and suss this team speak thing - have no idea how to make it work - plus how do you enable it in a iRacing room?

    Also what's the go in race no chat unless passing etc etc?

    The thing with my racing style is being smooth and staying on the black stuff - I found Mattews Putt setup felt really stable on brakes and I think this will be a good first setup for race!

    I hope to stay out of trouble as I'll race my own race to get into the groove of the new season

    Cheers for the tips everything helps
  6. Bonus 888

    Bonus 888 Rookie

    Yer exactly what i did for the first season, I got some fast setups and changed them to suit. You can talk in practice sessions just got a couple of real sooks who pipe in every now and then, if not on team speak we usually go to a session that is less populated to discuss setups and racing lines.
    The link to the team speak thread I put in previous post will give you the tips on how to get into it, I managed to get it up with no problems and I'm not the most savvy on PC stuff. You just download the team speak app and save the rooz server to the bookmarks. Open it and go to the supercar chat or general and then just join Iracing.
    Its well worth it, you can talk to any of guys even if not in the same race, discuss the race strategy, have spotters in spectator mode to help you during a race etc.

    MADCAP Rookie

    Ok mate sounds pretty easy - ill attack it tonight =)
  8. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
  9. CobMcCool

    CobMcCool Professional Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Hey guys, I have been flirting with the dark side (iracing as opposed to GT5) a bit, I did dabble a little bit at the end of last year after some frustrating times with GT5 and got my class D license, then haven't been on since as I had to use my daughters computer to play (mine was way too old), I just got a new computer (as the old one finally died) and decided to go back on iracing to see how it would go (i7 and nvidia gt650m) if that means anything to you please let me know.
    Anyway seems to work really well, and just (trying to do the mazda mx5 series to get my points up) at the moment, between gt5 league seasons (I only have time to do one thing at a time) 1 platform, 1 series at a time that's it.
    I do like the driving experience more on iracing than gt5 (I just don't feel the love in the room) but that being said also extreme frustration at getting punted six ways from sunday in nearly every race, (its like the open lobby in gt5) even though this is supposed to be frowned upon, it is great fun though still very much in a learning phase again and will see how much I can accomplish before the next gt5 season starts. I have gotten down to the very low 1:02's at Okayama (or whatever it is called) using the clutch and manual H pattern shifter (good to use it again as gt5 renders it pretty much unusable), I don't know how competitve this is in the grand scheme of things as I've only been racing against people in the same boat as me probably. Oh yeah iracing name - Gavin Campbell

  10. aussie_man21

    aussie_man21 Moderator Team Raceonoz

    PSN ID
    God Not You Too Cob
  11. beau261

    beau261 Beau

    PSN ID
    iRacing's licensing system, and rookie series are a huge part of the reason iRacing is so good.
    It keeps the rookies racing with the rookies, and away from the more experienced racers.
    Without this system, you'll have a gt5 like mess.
    I've seen a fair share of new comers complaining about the biff and barge in the rookie classes.
  12. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Following on from what Beau said is that it gets better, alot better once you start improving your iRating and license class and can clear the rookie races, or at least get put in a higher split.

    Top tip - make sure you qualify for your race week. This hopefully puts you in front of most of the trouble makers so you can get away clean and hopefully steer clear of trouble from there.
  13. beau261

    beau261 Beau

    PSN ID
    ......continued. What have you got to do to get a clean race in gt5? Organise one outside if the public servers. This is also possible to do in iRacing, only easier.
  14. CobMcCool

    CobMcCool Professional Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Don't worry aussie gt5 league is still the main game for me atm, I just needed something to do between seasons and you can do a race in iracing at your leisure instead of waiting all week to get your fix, that being said, I,ll probably be back on gt5 exclusively in the week leading up to and throughout the new season, like I said I can't multi task.

    Great news though did qually session and two races last night before origin (suck :):):):) NSW, you have know idea of my hatred of all things NSW when it comes to state of origin anyway I digress), good qually put me on pole for both races, race 1 leading and running away, lap 3 engine blows, pit in, lose laps, keep going (with all the biff and barge and people punting each other off it's worth it) got back to 3rd, 6 laps to go engnine blows again wtf, can't be fixed, stuck in pits for the duration.

    race 2 started well again in a pack of four guys all racing very cleanly with the lead swapping constantly I made a break for it and put my head down to clear out from the fight and put a bit of a gap on, but dropped back to third after hitting the clucth instead of the brake going into a hairpin. With 2 laps to go two guys in front started to get a bit more aggresive and (this is the only thing that annoys me with iracing atm) one guys tries a move pushes the other guy off track they both spin, one guy tries to drive on and the other targets him and pummels him into the fence, resulting in major damage to both and they disconnect, (that this can happen with no repercussion is what annoys me, if you did this in the gt5 league you'd be out on your arse, I'll just have to get out of the rookie classes I suppose), anyway this handed me my first WIN, not the perfect way to get there but i'll take it. Now I've got 1 win got to get more and more and more and all will kneel down before me and bask in my magnificence for I will be KING, bwah ha ha ha ha haaaaaaa......................sorry got a bit carried away there,

  15. aussie_man21

    aussie_man21 Moderator Team Raceonoz

    PSN ID
    :lol: it all good m8 i'll was just clowning around.. i would like do some Iracing 1 day but i think the handbrake would kill me!!!! :p
  16. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    You can lodge protests to iracing support you know Cob.. so there can be repercussions. If someone deliberately spears you into a wall, and you submit a replay, they will discipline repeat offenders with suspensions and the like. It has to be a clear deliberate act, not a racing incident though. It's all in the iRacing sporting code which is published on the membersite under references or something.

    As for blowing your engine, just mind your down shifts aren't too early. GT5 you can get away with this but not in iRacing and not IRL!

    Perhaps better to continue this thread of discussion in the iRacing General section.
  17. CobMcCool

    CobMcCool Professional Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Yeah thanks Koastr,
    anyway my point was that after such a great race the two guys in front of me took each other out in such a deliberate fashion, I accept a bit of push and shove is probably part of the process and motivation to move up, thanks for the down shift advice figured it out in the 2nd race to be more gentle on the down shifts and I got through ok.

  18. basilenco

    basilenco Rookie

    iracing name - Nathan Eremenco2
  19. Bonus 888

    Bonus 888 Rookie

    I'll add you tonight basilenco, check youre myRACING tab and the myRacers section. I'm doing the V8 supercar 6:45 race tonight if my PC don't crash again like last night. I got disconnected half way through first lap and by the time i got it all up and going again I was 2 laps down (first time i disconnected during a race in 11 months). I will also be watching the 8:45 div one race, it is always a great spectate and well worth watching.
    You can join to spectate once the registration for a race is closed, about 6:46ish via my name (Graeme Bones Phyland) in the friend online list in the bottom right hand corner, then once you in you can just watch or jump on track and drive around without a care in the world.
    If you join the team speak server we can chat as well, got a good set for Philip Island so join a practice session before the race and Ill send it to ya so you can ghost run around in the race chasing the fast guys, who knows you might even stick with Madison in the main race, i did once but that was pit lane lol. I never used spectate or ghost racing in the early days but now that I have used it, it is a lot of fun and the best way to get a feel for a track with the best tuition you can get watching or following some fast guys (all be it for only a corner or 2). See ya on track or hear ya soon.
  20. Bonus 888

    Bonus 888 Rookie

    Just sent request Nathan, you doin Ok in the Mustang m8, got good Irating for the time you been on too.