Newbie in Sydney...

Discussion in 'New Members' started by TAS1981, May 1, 2014.

  1. TAS1981

    TAS1981 New Recruit

    Hi guys

    Joined after an invite from the GT Academy thread on GT Planet!
    Currently running a DFGT with the RSF paddle shift system and a Rennesport stand with my racing "bean bag" Lol! Only really a GT racer having played almost all iterations.

    Just had a baby girl 3 weeks ago so finding time to race is a challenge! Dipped uder 1:04 on the first GT Academy round with a 1:03:9XX and have not raced since!

    An occassional Go-Karter, but really inexperienced. Went to Wilberforce Butterfly Farm Indy 800 track on their hire karts last Sunday and best lapped with a 52.7XX which was ok but not super fast! (The karts are a bit hit and miss!)

    Oh and the names Tom! TAshleySmith on GT Planet. I'm also actually a Brit but don't hold it against me!
  2. stucar17

    stucar17 Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Hi tas, welcome to the forum mate.

    As you can see we have a fair number of guys that enjoy their racing, so I am sure we can get you into something !

    Let us know what racing you are after and we will do our best to get you involved.

    Cheers stu