Thought I'd start a new thread for the 2020 game. Found "this" info from a site. Which has given me a lot of confidence and hope what they say is real and not just marketing. What are your thoughts? Will you get this years F1 game? Will you get PC or console?
Interesting read, I like the inertia stuff (rather than just another "tyre model"), and this: I was thinking the same when they released this on the F1 vehicles in AC as well, and one of the main reasons I don't bother to drive them..... good to know!
Yeah I always hated changing my ers every 5 seconds to be competitive. Constantly looking at my hud and not the road was annoying. Seems like the physics of the f1 cars might feel more natural too. So I'm actually looking forward to trying out this years offereing
Honestly I’m just hoping this game goes back to 2017 style physics where kerbs didn’t try and kill you at every exit. Booted up 2017 the other day and it felt so natural. ERS mapping was insane so I’m glad they are simplifying it this year. Hopefully throttle and brake inputs are better this year too, last year (and 2018) felt like TC and ABS were a requirement, brakes locking at 200km/h and wheelspin where the real life drivers are mashing the throttle got old real fast. Lastly I hope the Schumacher DLC isn’t yet another tacked on scenario fest, last year’s Senna vs Prost DLC was severely disappointing. Was hoping to see classic circuits make a return as well but I guess that wont be in either.
I pre-ordered the Schumacher edition as well. A lot of the stuff I've watched online looks really impressive. Pumped that we can now create our own team. It looks really detailed and deep, so should be fun. Driver rankings are a bit naff, and some drivers have been slapped in the face!!
Has the physics changed much? I've always hated how floaty the cars feel and 2019 braking felt horrible. No feel. I've seen a couple YouTubeers say it feels better and the car seems more planted.
Definitely feels better than 2019, but it feels tougher at the same time. Hard to find a rhythm for some reason, in my view. Much better on throttle though. Once you get the set up right on the car (and your wheel if you use one), it is reasonably easy to get by without traction control. Kerbs also feel a bit more real. You can use them, but get greedy and you're off the track. AI is much improved, they make mistakes and everything now, all by themselves.
In the past I actually liked the challenge of getting used to no traction control because I think in real life it would probably be pretty hard to get on the throttle without loosing traction. So I Enjoyed it and was mighty proud of myself when I turned it off
I probably didn't explain well! It's not just plant your foot and go, but it is easier to master it. It will still spit you into a wall or off the track of you get on the throttle too quickly, but I just find it less of a grind to find the sweet spot.
Definitely better than 18/19, but still far too floaty for my liking. MyTeam mode however is incredible.
Yep with Albon for the most part, he then had issues and i passed him. 4 sec up the road was Vettel and no chance of catching him untill 2 laps from the finish get the message that he was slowing down, caught and passed him on the last lap, which dose not show on the highlights. Overall good first race for Vecchio Motorsports.