Do you think the grip is related to how hard your driving? Im trying to tell if its in my head or not... last week I was consistent 34.4-34.6 s1, yesterday I was 34.7-34.9... Is it just me?!?
It could be grip tbh i was doing 34.2 sector 1 now im 34.5s-34.6s i lose about 2-3 tenths every sector
Little annoying if it is... last week I was still working out corpse / maggotts/ beckets. I've got my line sorted now, but just can't improve lol... I've matched my pb sooo many times lol If only my s1 wasn't so crap!
Only just saw this, i'd do the running group also because parra park is just down the road from me but it may look as if i was being kidnapped lol.
Yeah come along, starts at 8, so I aim for around 7:45-7:50am. I plan on going this Saturday coming, will probably take my dog along for the run.!3m1!1s0x6b12a48e727ff291:0xdf21690ecb2a70c3 Starts at the end of Gregory st and run along the river toward Parramatta. Sign up at parkrun (its free), and print out your bar code if you want to get your time (they get uploaded later that day).
Got grip back 2:04,941 hoping to push my way to top 10 again @AUSnicko9 your 1st sector is very quick hard to bet you there
Cheers buddy that's a great time well done. Hopefully I will crack a 2'04 soon as well... I did one last night but on a red lap as I ran ever so slightly wide Yeah just saw Immortal's lap... unreal.
Well done beau on cracking that 04 I have done the same as you @AUSnicko9 red lapped a 04 as well but hopefully at some point I can replicate that....I have somehow done a legit 34.1 1st sector and then in good old mint fashion screwed the next complex lol
Seen your 2'04.8 on the board now beau congrats mate you'll be back in the top 10 soon. A 34.1 to the first split is unreal Mint... super impressive that's definitely on track for a WR, Immortal's WR lap had a 34.2 first split! But yeah its so hard to not screw it up lol...
Great job mate i've done a 34.1 on my 2:05.082 lap in early stage it took ages to try bet it but now i found new spot in the track to pass it Yes i've talked to IMMORTAL he doesn't like pirata so he tryed 100% im infront of IMMORTAL everywhere till the end of sector 2 and he gets 3 tenths on me
Tidgney's guide in case you weren't aware. Helpful if your struggling with a getting into the 5s. Im struggling most with the loop... I think its to do with the line from the prior corner not being super consistent, which means I dont have a consistent point to brake / turn in for the loop That and Stowe. The other night I did a lot of 29.5/29.6 S2 but still no valid 5s for me :'(
Im sure you can get 29.5 2nd sector and still get a 05 i think you need better last sector as well try be calm and take it easy brake earlier and lighter braking helps a lot
Gt3 car at brands hatch... Uk theme? Probably not. Think it's definitely a safe bet it'll be a lmp car for the final round, since cars are getting faster and faster.
Are you guys going to this week? I'm planning to join. I already tried go karting last week on $75 per head, but it should be a minimum of 10. Unfortunately, we can't get it to 10 this week so I'm planning to tag along with you guys if you are planning to play this week anywhere in Sydney.