New to Sim racing would love to learn and grow... PSN tafamare. Steam: pixel_therapy Keen on any community and social events!
@Giant slayer @stucar17 Hello, I have a few questions regarding iracing. I have been a rooz member since about August 2017 and have been sim racing...
Hi guys, Sorry for the silence.. but things in my personal life have been unsettled for the last two weeks and I dont think I will be able to commit...
Happy New Years gents hope you had an amazing holiday season! Are we on this Wednesday? if what is the car and track?
Yes please and thank you :) tafamare
Sorry I went MIA but between work and practicing for the pc2 series I didn't have the time. I should be back on A.C. in January though... :)
The new patch as sound interesting championship features which could make setting up racing sessions easier for division captains.... @stucar17...
No issues from my end, the more the merrier
so... quick question... of the 3 red ull ring configurations which one is the Sprint circuit that we are racing ??? o_O