Oh fair enough, loved the orange headlights btw. Looks mean. Good luck for the rest of the Cup.
Oh okay, that makes sense. Was a bit confused by the format, but yea was a good drive in the 2nd group race. Were they split into 2 groups because...
Went and had a look today, assumed there was an issue for the fi rst 2 races
Wont be on tonight guys sorry, school takes first priority :(
I'll have a go at some pc, change it up a bit aye :thumbsup:
Since #14 and #33 are taken :( I'll take 34 for when i return in season 2 plzz
Have u even won a championship........? @RHINO11 lollllllll #banter #salty ;):D:sneaky::whistling:
Yea im coming ;)
Bit obvious lol
I'm in
Be on around 7:45 aet. See everyone for quali. Should be a good night.
Agreed with weather. And tyres will be Racing Mediums and Racing Hards. Must use the hards at some stage during the race. Any questions :)