Division 4 Season 5

Discussion in 'GTLOZ Past Seasons' started by stucar17, Jan 5, 2015.

  1. disturboed

    disturboed Damian Hall Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Wow, what a surprising result. I was dreading this round big time as I have never been competitive here.

    Decided to start on softs as I didn't want to chase down in the 2nd stint. Qualified in 4th spot which was pretty good. Held the position after the T1 shuffle and slotted in behind Jim. Followed Jim for 2 laps until small little errors just let him break away. Soon after I was being monstered by Grassies, but I managed to hold him off for several laps, just holding my line, which became increasingly more difficult as the laps wore on and the softs wore out. I was surprised to see Watto pit lap 11, i knew he would definately need to stop again. Konnor pitted the next lap and I thought there would be no way he could make it to the end either.

    I pitted the end of lap 13, when my right front was all the way down to 2. I was thinking of 1 more lap, but once it hit 2, the grip just fell away, so decided to pull the trigger and pit for the hards. It was going to be line-ball on fuel to the end by my calculations, but should be ok I thought. Grassies continued on for another lap.

    Back down to 7th after the stop, now was time to really concentrate on the slippery hards. After his pitstop grassies had dropped way back, and then a few laps later all the hard starters pitted for their softs.

    I was clean enough and consistent enought not to drop much time and towards the end I could see the top 3 ahead of me. Watto pitted for the 2nd time with about 10 to go, so up into third i went. Then Konnor must of had a moment of some sort and allowed Jim through. I could see myself slowly but surely closing the gap to Konnor in second, he must of been in fuel conservation mode or something.

    On the very last lap with about 5 corners to go, my prayers were answered and Konnor ran out of fuel, so I managed to snatch 2nd! Considering how much I despise this track, it was a bloody good result.

    Gratz to Jim and to grassies on their respective results. Spa next week. I've got a lot to live up to here, it's been a place of good results for me.
    Ad2mny and Jim_aka_The_Man like this.
  2. fubbles888

    fubbles888 Guest

    I tried going for the undercut in order to gain some positions, but it really did backfire. My right front tyre was shot.
  3. SPL Racing

    SPL Racing Professional Gold Member

    PSN ID
    You will have to look at your connection Fubbles, as i was chasing you last night i was driving through clouds of smoke from your lag, then when i passed you at the end of lap 10 you lag punted me into the wall coming onto the straight and i lost all steering and power. i was a few car lengths in front of you then Wham! i'm buried in the wall. I watched the replay and i know it wasn't intentional on your part but it totally sucked balls from where i was sitting.
  4. Tanktex

    Tanktex Rookie

    PSN ID
    Was looking forward to Tokoyo but the f...n continual DNS error nearly resulted in my Samsung TV being made an Art piece with a ps3 and G27 jammed threw the screen....:mad::mad::mad:
    SPL Racing likes this.
  5. disturboed

    disturboed Damian Hall Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    That sucks Tank, but I'm definately sure your absence improved my finishing position!! LOL

    I'm sure you tried resetting the PS3 network settings (rescanning etc). That usually fixes it for me if I get rubbish errors like that out of nowhere.
  6. S_CLOSE

    S_CLOSE Professional

    PSN ID
    One more thing a few of us have done in the past, is to manually set the DNS entries in the PS3 to google's:

    After doing that, never saw that error come back.
  7. Ad2mny

    Ad2mny Absentee Moderator / PS5 ACC Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    An average result but better than Siverstone's second last.

    Got away well trying to move up on SPL and some great side by side action for the first few corners, but as we headed to the downhill kink grassies was on my tail and SPL had disappeared. Grassies quickly passed me on his softs leaving me with Gary and fubbles. After the first lap sorted itself out the 'softies' were already pulling a gap and I found myself leading the 'Hard' runners. Gary got ahead briefly lap 2 just before the long radius left but was stuck in the outside and dropped back again. fubbles pushed too hard through the kink on the straight lap 3, clouting the wall and then slowly dropping back as the laps wore on. Gary was always there just hounding me daring me to make a mistake but for the most part I was staying very consistent, starting in the 39's and slowly over my 18 lap stint dropping to 41's. The 'softies' started pitting from lap 12 and McCracken came out just behind Gary and really put the pressure on him but I could see in the mirror he was pushing a bit too hard and spinning up the rears out the turns losing his advantage of fresh tyres into the turns by burning off his drive on the exit. By lap 14 though he'd gotten past and it looked like he'd settled into a rhythm but another massive slide let Gary back through just before the long radius left. Their battle was allowing me to open a gap, and when grassies pitted lap 15 I was in the lead. My tyres were still ok but no match for McCracken, and when he passed Gary into turn 1 that lap, it didn't take long for him to gobble up the gap I'd made. SickSkills came up on us from out of nowhere lap 16 just as McCracken caught me. McCracken took the lead turn 1 lap 17 and SickSkills got a better run to the downhill king and I was 3rd, but there was a large gap back to Gary so I was safe for now. My fuel light was on but I had 1 more lap to do and I was tip toeing around trying not to over do it. Into the pits, 70ltrs of fuel and my softs and rejoined in 8th just behind pinoy. Stupid mistake into the downhill kink on cold tyres and pinoy took off. Lap 20 now and my tyres were warming. It was one thing to catch pinoy, another to pass as he was taking very sweeping lines, but my superior grip won out on the long radius left. Now it was just time trials. Slowly but surely the stumbles/McCracken pack fell back towards me, and by lap 27 I was right on Stumbles' tailpipe. Once again, I had the grip advantage but finding a clean place to pass took half a lap. I got by on the long radius left once again and set my sights on my teammate. 3 laps to go and as he closed on grassies I closed on him. Lap 30 and they both started bunching up and falling towards me. Starting the final lap, my hopes were high as they fell back ever closer at every corner, but in my excitement, I pushed a bit hard into the double lefts and bounced off both walls on the exits. Breathe. The gap had opened up again but I was closing quickly. Was surprised to see SickSkills putt-ing around the long radius left, but greedily took the 5th place. In the end the gap was too big from my mistakes and I had to settle for 5th. 1 more lap and I'd have been on the podium for sure. Too slow in my first stint and held up by traffic early in my soft stint cost me too much for a good result but that's racing. Well done Jim, turbo and grassies!! Jim you were game pulling fishies out of the final turn!! Plenty of gap though I guess!!
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2015
    DekGT5mad and Watto64 like this.
  8. Watto64

    Watto64 Rookie

    Great run Jamie, don't worry mate, I saw you coming over the last few laps as I was pushing way too hard to catch Grassies. 1 more lap would have been very interesting. Still kicking myself for running with a 2 stop strat but not unhappy with the result.
    Ad2mny likes this.
  9. Jim_aka_The_Man

    Jim_aka_The_Man Professional Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Wowee!! What. A. Race.

    Started in 3rd after not my best, but a decent qualifying lap and set about keeping my nose clean and in the front few of the 'soft' starters. The opening laps saw a major tussle between myself & turbo, including a side-by-side run through the kink on lap 2, before I was finally able to break free after a slight error on his behalf.

    I settled into a nice rhythm behind McCracken & SickSkillz and we were consistently pushing and punched out some good lap times till the grip started to drop off around lap 9. I was surprised to see McCracken pit at the end of lap 11, promoting me to 2nd and when SickSkillz pitted lap on 12 I had clear air. But he certainly made me earn the pass as we ended up going side-by-side through the kink TWICE on lap 11 & 12. As I continued on lap 13 my RF went down to 2, leaving me no option but to slow slightly to keep it pointed straight.

    As I pulled away from the pits, Turbo was still being serviced, so my aim now was to keep Fubbles behind me and hopefully he would hinder Turbo’s progress in catching me with his used ‘hard’ tyres. I once again settled into a new rhythm and was able to reel the leading pack in fairly quickly after the stops thanks to the ‘hard’ starters and their worn tyres.

    As I caught the back end of the front runners with my fresh rubber, Gary (unexpectedly at the time, but makes perfect sense as he had little grip left) touched the brakes on me coming to the double left, not wanting to spear into him I tried to avoid, swerved right and smashed into the barriers. Crap. Got going without too much of a loss and went about putting the head down again, Gary (totally not at fault) was quite gentlemanly and pulled over to the side and let me through, as all he saw was me closing up and then in the fence.

    I had good pace in practice on the hard tyres and it showed as I closed in again on the leading 3, I thought to myself Ad needed to pit and I would have the other two towards the close as I had around .5 a lap on them. SickSkills hit the wall on the outside of the final turn and gifted me 2ndplace, it was time to look ahead. McCracken dove into the pits again and I couldn’t believe my luck. My only thought at this point was that he was mistakenly going for a second stint on the softs, but after seeing him not make too much progress through the pack, a smile was starting to creep onto my face.

    I kept my pace up, building a solid lead while trying to not push my tyres too hard, setting consistent 1.40’s lap after lap. The fuel light came on as I crossed with 2 laps to go, and with a lead nearing 10 seconds, I knew I could let off a little. I didn’t know of the drama unfolding behind me as I rounded the last lap, but saw the split was still growing so let loose around the final turn and across the line.

    I didn’t have high hopes for this race, as last time here (albeit in the normal direction) I was at the back of the field being lapped. I’m looking forward to Spa, hopefully the good form continues.
    Watto64, t_b_williams and Ad2mny like this.
  10. Jim_aka_The_Man

    Jim_aka_The_Man Professional Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Just watched you on the replay, I don't know how you kept going. I certainly would have cracked it and rage quit.
    SPL Racing likes this.
  11. disturboed

    disturboed Damian Hall Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Rage Quitting is for the WEAK!! :D:D:D:D:p:p:laugh::laugh::thumbsup:
    Ad2mny and SPL Racing like this.
  12. garyw61

    garyw61 Gary Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Yeah, much for fun to drive the track in the wrong direction and take the other bastards out!

    Wait, did I just say that out loud?
    Ad2mny likes this.
  13. SPL Racing

    SPL Racing Professional Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Like Damo said, rage quitting is for the weak. I will finish any race that I enter no matter how far behind I am. But I can say that my soft tyres copped a thrashing in my second stint.
    DekGT5mad, SuiCid3 and Ad2mny like this.
  14. Stumbles

    Stumbles Dave - Moderator Team Raceonoz

    PSN ID
    Hey guys, there was a protest lodged, after reviewing the replay and consultation with the mods and room captains, Fubbles888 was dealt a drive through penalty for failing to redress contact made on turn 7 of lap 1.

    Might be time for a reminder...
    If contact is made with another driver and that driver loses position because of it, the contact must be re-dressed as soon as possible. You can't win a race on lap 1, but you can certainly lose it (and possibly assist an innocent party to lose a big chunk of time too).
    Please take the first couple of laps easy, there's a tight pack and even rear-ending someone can cause damage.

    Also, with the different tyre strats going, just because you have soft tyres on, doesn't give you right of way if you happen to be at the back of the field. You must still adhere to the driving guidelines.

    Cheers. Let's move onto Spa and have some fun.
  15. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    so what does that do to the results?
  16. Stumbles

    Stumbles Dave - Moderator Team Raceonoz

    PSN ID
    Sorry, should have mentioned that. (sent a message to Emmo, forgot to put it here too).
    A pit drive-through has been judged to be 25 seconds, Fubbles888's time behind leader goes out to 1:12.229, so he drops from 8th to 10th.
  17. fubbles888

    fubbles888 Guest

    Please don't move me to 10th. The contact was unintentional, I swear it was lag. And besides, why have you given me a penalty and you haven't even consulted me? I feel cheated on. Do not kick me out of the div for saying this because I don't feel as though this has been handled properly.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 5, 2015
  18. Stumbles

    Stumbles Dave - Moderator Team Raceonoz

    PSN ID
    Hi Fubbles.
    I did send a message to you on Tuesday, heard no reply.
    Leave it with me, going to have a discussion with the Mod team.
  19. DekGT5mad

    DekGT5mad Derek Nickels

    PSN ID
    Sorry for missing Tokyo,that bl$$$y storm in NSW took out a tree outside my place,along with the power pole,lines & transformer,only 45mins before I would have logged on! Bugger,bugger,bugger!!
    Oh well there's my drop round,lol,have to put in another good showing at my fav world track,Spa
    Ad2mny, stucar17 and SPL Racing like this.
  20. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Bugga, :unsure: