Season 5 - Division 1.

Discussion in 'PCLOZ Past Seasons' started by stucar17, Sep 7, 2016.

  1. Slambobagan

    Slambobagan Professional Super ROOZ

    Sorry guys can't make tonight long wknd have friends over p
  2. Spidey_11

    Spidey_11 Professional Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Spidey_11, Steam ID - spidey_11
    Willow Springs:


    Fastest Lap:
    No DSC :)
    SPL Racing and AOCleaner74 like this.
  3. Zachery

    Zachery Professional

    PSN ID
    I was the only person who didnt get into the 13s lol.
  4. Zachery

    Zachery Professional

    PSN ID
    My race was average at best and it was quite clear i was gonna struggle tonight with only an hours practice today on this track. Was having a good battle with spidey and spl early on. Had a few laps battle with stu at one point but yeah, really needa practice to be on the pace.

    Looking forward to hell next weekend though!
    SPL Racing and Spidey_11 like this.
  5. Beau_Albert

    Beau_Albert World Champion

    PSN ID
    iRacing: Beau Albert
    I had a good race.

    NOW, more importantly, NORDSCHELIFE IS NEXTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!

    You just clicked on a button that said Noot Noot. I'm proud!
    But seriously, good racing tonight everyone, from what i saw it was clean. Those final 10 laps on torn rubber was crazy, felt like i was back on WRC 6 in the Swedish Snow rally! See ya'll next week for the best circuit on the calander :D
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2016
  6. Zachery

    Zachery Professional

    PSN ID
    Goodluck commentating a hotlap there mate. Hope youve brushed up on your 170 odd corner names
  7. mikeruntbike

    mikeruntbike Rookie

    PSN ID
    Well done on the win Beau. How you managed to get through the race without changing tyres I'll never know. Happy with a podium finish. Looking forward to next week
  8. zuluwoffle

    zuluwoffle Team Driver

    PSN ID
    Haha you and me Beau seem to be the only ones excited about the next round. Uni starts tomorrow but I saw this was the next race and thought stuff it, I can't miss this race. :thumbsup:
    SPL Racing, Spidey_11 and Beau_Albert like this.
  9. Zachery

    Zachery Professional

    PSN ID
    So ill be at the roar game next sunday. Hoping i make it home in time.
  10. Sam D Blacklock

    Sam D Blacklock Professional

    PSN ID
    Well, after 18L of practice the night before, i had to wing it on tires/no tires. What @Beau_Albert said made me take tires, so with not having a lot of time to practice and do multiple full runs i went with the safer of the two options. Started 4th and after one of my best ever starts which reminded me of Zolder s3, i ended up taking the lead around lap 4 (i think) and stretching out a healthy gap to rx7, i pitted for tires on lap 17, and was followed by rx7. I then went out of the pits and tried to close the gap to Beau who was going for a no tire strategy. I managed to close the gap slightly, and i was pretty confident i had the win sealed as i had a crap load more grip and it wouldn't have been hard to pass as when you defend here its basically impossible to keep the inside covered and still keep enough momentum, however on lap 20 i think it was i ran a tiny bit wide at the bottom of the hill, and dropped a wheel on the dirt, so i tried to correct it like i would have on any other game but i just got thrown to the left and ended up getting caught on something as my car was stuck on the limiter in 2nd but was hardly moving. I dropped back to 4th and tried to claw my way back but once i caught @mikeruntbike i had worse tires and basically had no way to pass him unless i got the run through the slow sector on the last lap but for some reason he ran a massively defensive line into 3 which meant he was 20-30kmh slower on the apex which meant i had no where to go but over another kerb which lost me any chance at a pass around the final 2 corners.
    Pretty pissed at myself after that, self rage level is at an all time high and the fact @Beau_Albert has a 99% chance of winning the next race and the fact i suck at Snetterton means i need to practice a crap load just in the hope i can get on the podium and then dominate the final 3 rounds. Seems like a rather difficult task but that's what its all about right!
    stucar17, The_Spectre and Spidey_11 like this.
  11. AOCleaner74

    AOCleaner74 Professional Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Well done Beau, CT, and mike for the podiums
    Quite an eventful race for me. Started 9th after I lost it , and got stuck to a ditch and fence ( thanks to whoever got me out! )
    Not sure who got a bad start ahead of me, but I went past a few people until that damn magnetism put me and who knows off on t1. I ended up at the back and had some great battles with Stu, Spidey, Spectre, jasonD and whoever else their could have been along the way!
    Ended up 6th in the end just behind JasonD, so not disappointed, 5th was the best I could have gotten anyway.
    Not looking forward to next week......
    Spidey_11, SPL Racing and Beau_Albert like this.
  12. SPL Racing

    SPL Racing Professional Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Congrats on the win @Beau_Albert and @CTRacing and @mikeruntbike for filling out the podium.
    I was stoked to drop a 13.8 in quali for 7th just .001 behind The Spectre but stuffed up my start and dropped to the back. Had some fun battles with Zharvs and Zulu and was pretty happy with my move around the outside of Zharvs up over the hill. Going 3 wide into turn 1 with AO and Zharvs was also fun, I'm not sure how we made it through cleanly.

    I felt that I had enough pace to finish mid pack but happy with 10th in the end. Can't wait for the green hell next week!
  13. jasondull1986

    jasondull1986 Professional

    PSN ID
    Super happy to bring home 5th in this div and had great racing with a few guys ao and I think spectre. But well done to the podium you guys a crazy fast.
    Spidey_11 likes this.
  14. zuluwoffle

    zuluwoffle Team Driver

    PSN ID
    So I'm gathering quali for next weeks race will be for 20mins. Will we still be having a warmup and kicking off at 8:10pm?
  15. ADZA_85

    ADZA_85 Team Driver Gold Member

    PSN ID
    I was thinking about this last night.
    A qually of this track is near pointless.
    Can i make a stupid suggestion.
    How about a reverse grid start based on the current championship table..
    And i dont say that lightly, im leading div 2
    zuluwoffle likes this.
  16. zuluwoffle

    zuluwoffle Team Driver

    PSN ID
    Only problem with that is it's going to take an 8minute lap to make sure that everyone is in position before the green flag drops.
  17. ADZA_85

    ADZA_85 Team Driver Gold Member

    PSN ID
    But you skip qually so save 20mins anyway..

    Also, with the track be soooo large. This will bundle the field heaps so no one should have a boring evening lol

    But again. Its just a thought
    zuluwoffle likes this.
  18. The_Spectre

    The_Spectre Team Driver

    PSN ID
    My race report

    Willow Springs is a great track and I know it very well, so I was hopeful of a top 5 result despite not doing too much prep. Grats to all of the podium!

    Qualifying: P6 - Qualifying went pretty well for me and my time was about what I expected - I maybe lost a tenth or two due on my last fast lap to a slow car on track and having to navigate them (I think it was @AOCleaner74 after getting out from where he was stuck) but I was still happy enough with it. It was awesome to see all of us qualify within a second.

    Race: P7 - Got away really well and @jasondull1986 (I tihnk) was slow away so I jumped up to P5 with zulu breathing down my neck for the first couple of laps. I think he made a mistake a few laps in and dropped back, I started slowly losing touch with mikeruntbike and eventually @jasondull1986 caught up and I let him make a pass on about lap 10 and didnt fight it too much. I pitted on lap 17 and nearly made the position back on @jasondull1986 who mustve had a scruffy couple of outlaps after stopping, I came out just behind him, but he pulled out a gap soon after. I was comfortably running in P6 with @AOCleaner74 a few seconds behind until I gifted a postition to him by running wide at Turn 2 (brain fade). From then on I was unable to close up on @AOCleaner74 and was just maintaining a gap to @Spidey_11 behind, who caught up at one stage and then dropped back again due to an error. With 3 laps to go I could see a battle up front and I'd closed the gap up to just over 2 seconds while they were battling, but couldnt get there in the end, so just coasted home in P7. I didnt have the pace of the front runners in the end, but my lap times were insanely consistent all through the race.

    Monaco in the F1 league on Thursday night and the Green Hell on Sunday night... an awesome week of sim racing to look forward to!
  19. zuluwoffle

    zuluwoffle Team Driver

    PSN ID
    So not much practice for me during the week so I had to fly by the seat of my pants and see how I went.

    Quali was a disaster cause I got out of the pits only to be hit with the G29/PCars steering wheel bug yet again so had to leave lobby, restart the game and get back in. Qualified 10th which I wasn't too unhappy about considering I didn't get the cleanest of laps.

    Had a cracking start which found me go from 10th to 6th by the first corner and pressuring @The_Spectre. I was trying to force a mistake from him or find a way pass because @jasondull1986 was catching up quick but came undone around lap 6 by hitting the inside ripple strip at turn 3, losing traction and giving Jason no where to go but tag me in the back end spinning out. Rejoined in 12th and got back to work closing in on a battle between @SPL Racing and @Zharvs92. Zharvs went down the inside of SPL at the start of the last long right hander before the main straight around lap 9 and I followed through with SPL on the outside but when I touched the brakes, it straightened the car up and I unfortunately tagged SPL and we both went off. I readdressed and carried on but thought on the next lap I would just pit since @GOWIE22 was 30secs behind me at that stage and my race was done for. Came out about 6 secs behind Gowie after a tyre change and just keep plugging away at it. Caught up to Gowie after a few laps and he made an error into the last corner going off into the tumbleweeds and I noticed SPL coming out of the pits. Somehow I had caught up again to the back of the pack! I Had an awesome battle with SPL and overtook him down the inside into Turn 1 and plugged away to catch back up to Zharvs. Tried to overtake Zharvs going into the last corner down the inside but this time didn't make the same mistake I did with SPL and we went through side by side compromising both our straight line speed going down the straight. Because of that SPL caught up to us both and pulled an awesome move down the inside of me into Turn 1 and it was back on between the 3 of us again with us all just escaping a collision with Stu as he came back on to the track. SPL and Zharvs we going at it into the last corner and they touched sending them both into the tumbleweeds and I got through and up to 9th where I would eventually stay despite a late mistake on the last corner of the 2nd last lap which made me lose 6 secs to SPL as my front right was at 41% at that stage.

    So all in all was a fund race. Now bring on Monaco and the Green Hell :thumbsup:
    SPL Racing and The_Spectre like this.
  20. stucar17

    stucar17 Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    what a night....well done guys for what looked like a pretty clean run....

    Had done a heap of prac, in the hope to be in the mid pack....or possibly a bit better....tire life seemed pretty good and was running high 13s pretty consistantly.

    When i set the room up i had no FFB on my wheel.....reset everything and wasnt sure if it was the game or just me but couldnt get a lap time at all......Qual started and i was .7 off my pb and didnt even look like cracking a 13....Started last

    race went green and i almost collected someone off the line but settled in at the back of the train, hoping the grip would come to the prac runs i had, i was able to get up to lap 19 with between 55-60% left on the front left, but by lap 13 i was already at 56%....i battled on to lap 18, where i was at 45% o_O

    After the pit i was running laps on my own and was understeering off everywhere....exit of turn 2 the thing wouldnt grip up and my pace was terrible.....apologies to @zuluwoffle and the other 2 guys i nearly collected with about 8 to go....again, no grip on the exit of 1 and i ended up collecting tumbleweed in the attempt to stay right on returning to the track was blown open by the hill that runs i booted it to try to get out of everyones way.

    With 4 to go i actually let @Zharvs92 through on the back straight to check i had the correct tires on, the grip and wear was so bad, pitted again with 3 to go, and even with no fuel, and new tires i couldnt pull a me absolutely buggered why it never showed up like that in the prac races i did...:(:(

    Anyway, off to the green hell this week.......will have to sort out what we do with the qual......might do something different with it but a 20 min qual is a pain in the arse...especially when a cut track or barrier hit kills the lap anyway.....maybe a rolling start with reverse grid for the top 4 drivers.......the others line up in champ order and go for it on the exit of the right hander after the first straight ? or we all just go in champ order and go from the start of the first straight ? Will save some time