Discussion in 'GTLOZ Past Seasons' started by Darko, Jul 11, 2011.

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  1. Chevwah

    Chevwah Rookie

    I'd say normal ripple strip ruling Fryz. At least 2 wheels on the track at all times, ripple strip being part of the track.
  2. Small_Fryz

    Small_Fryz Rookie


    Well I'm down to a 1'16.5.
    Tyre wear is pretty crazy indeed this race and it seems the car wants to be sideways the entire lap lol.

    Should be a fun 24 laps..
  3. beau261

    beau261 Beau

    PSN ID
    I pulled out of season 3, only to return, to help keep the grid up...and to smoke paulie!
    My loss of interest in gt5 stems from Polyphony digital not fixing problems. Problems like the slipstreem.
  4. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Eeep! I did one brief prac session yesterday before going to play iRacing. Looks like I've got over a second to find! :|
  5. OuttaAngst

    OuttaAngst Rookie

    Guys, no cutting off the track, 2 wheels on the ripple or track side of the road at all times.
  6. Paulie

    Paulie New Recruit

    My best is identical to Dion (who I met yesterday, yaaay), a 1'16.5. Haven't been able to replicate it though, best since is a 1'16.7

    :lol: :lol:
  7. xNeVeR_eNoUgHx

    xNeVeR_eNoUgHx Brett

    Well I dare say once Forza 4 drops I'll be ----------------------------->

    EDIT - I will of course complete whatever GT season I am currently in at the time!
  8. OuttaAngst

    OuttaAngst Rookie

    Guys I have an issue. I can't find my gt5 disk I took it out a week ago and put it in my red dead case. Now I can't find the red dead case. Still looking but if I don't make it on in the next half hour then pla join koastr's room.
  9. OuttaAngst

    OuttaAngst Rookie

    Woo hoo found it. Behind the tv.
  10. Paulie

    Paulie New Recruit

    Well after a brilliant quali session where I managed 1'16.22 to achieve 2nd place by 0.5sec like I wanted (Dion did a 1'15.8......."Like a Boss"), I started the race well, my plan was once Dion was in front I'd let him go and run my own race, he was in front after turn 1 still, so I just managed tyres and was doing well, some turn 1 antics meant ansquad and Koastr were duking for 3rd well behind me. So there I was running my own race, figuring if I caught Dion it'd be with strategy, if not I'd be super happy with 2nd place after the disastrous start to the season with drop-outs and poor driving, then BAM, goodbye internet once again.
    Sorry to say guys, but I don't know if I can take this any more, so I'm going to withdraw from the league. Not only that, but my driverless car is a danger to everyone. All I want to do is belt the living hell out of every Bigpond employee and smash my modem in to a billion pieces.
  11. xNeVeR_eNoUgHx

    xNeVeR_eNoUgHx Brett

    Fark, there will no one left in Div 1 at this rate ... Just joking Paulie, I understand your frustration mate.

    Speaking of frustration, I got absolutely wiped out by maxpower on the second lap entering the second tunnel. Not sure if it was lag or poor judgement on his part, but his car has clipped the entry to the tunnel and fired straight into me putting me into the wall. Stupid collision detection decides to ghost me as I hit the wall so maxpower can drive straight through me and off into the distance. I will say I am sure there was no intention on maxpowers part to ruin my race.

  12. Paulie

    Paulie New Recruit

    I'm hardly a participant filling the grid at the moment anyway. A couple laps is not a racer.
  13. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Bummer Paulie, Yea ansquad and I were very lucky to avoid your driverless car as it ran wide and then cut back across track! I think Outta might have had a close call too? I feel bad for you though set to be so competitive then getting DC'd.

    Oh man that sucks Never, I'm surprised Maxpower didn't ghost out after hitting the first wall. Unlucky.

    Tremendous performance fryz, great consistency and pace from both you and ansquad.
    Ansquad and I had some aweome head-to-head practise races, I might get some snaps from them too.

    Sorry to Chev for the incident early on. I thought I had a clean inside line, unfortunately where we came together on exit was probably just as you were putting the power down. I was surprised to see you come off so bad.
  14. Chevwah

    Chevwah Rookie

    Great racing guys, especially the top 3, very fast indeed. After 4 rounds I think this is the one i've had the least practice on, and it showed up in the race. I was very loose on some of the corners, and wasn't able to get some of my breaking points spot on.

    I qualified 5th with a 1:17.3xx, which was a pb after the limited practice I had. My start was pretty good as I put my nose down the inside to come out of the first corner in 3rd with minimal paint swapping. Sorry to Paulie (bad luck on the net issues again btw!), who i may have just nudge slightly out of turn 1. Unfortunetly my 3rd place didn't last long as Koastr gave me a good shove coming into the first tunnel, which ALMOST spun me around, but I was able to gather it. The big moment put me back into 7th, next to Cyber_stig and NeverEnough. I spent the next few laps getting around those guys and started reeling in Outta. I pitted 1 lap earlier than Outta on lap 11 and it paid off as after he pitted I was in front of him. I then messed up at turn 1 the lap after with a slipstream off lapped Timmo's ghost car, which I didn't think would actually give me slipstream...anyways. Outta and I swapped places a couple of times in a very exciting, and satisfying battle for 6 or 7 laps. Always a pleasure racing with you Outta, we seem to be very well matched alot of the time. I managed to hold him off and gathered my 4th 4th place in a row. Can't someone just let me past so I can get a podium??!!! lol
  15. Small_Fryz

    Small_Fryz Rookie

    Deep forest! One of my all time favourite track from way back!

    Paulie, Koastr, Ansquad and myself had been practicing most of Sunday Arvo so by the time qualify came around I was very comfortable with the car / track and was looking forward to the race. I dont know about you guys but I find the change in camber and bumps to be really fun! Nothing like 4 wheel drifting on the exit of that double left at 150kph as you approach the outside rock wall. :twisted:

    Qualify started and it took me a few laps to get a banker. At about the 10min mark I had a 116.6 and Paulie was ahead on a 116.5. I took on some new tyres and the next lap I ran a 115.8 putting me on pole, I have never taken that downhill left after the 3rd tunnel as good as I did in that lap, It was just magical. There is something about qualify, I enjoy it just as much as the race, all of us going around the track in a set amount of time pushing the limits to see who is fastest, its pure on edge driving that I find exciting haha.

    Well the race started and I had already done testing for braking into turn 1 from the starting grid so I knew my braking point exactly and I was able to stay ahead and be safe from the pack behind. I looked back only a few times and I saw Paulie in 2nd with Ansquad/Koastr in 3rd/4th. I had done some practice on cold tyres earlier so I didnt need to adjust to the difference in grip, and thus I could maximize the car early and by the end of lap 3 I had about 3 seconds on Paulie and well safe of the draft. Sadly Paulie disconnected and the gap back to Ansquad/Koastr was now 5 6 seconds, from here on I focused on being smooth and just managing the gap. I was unsure how well the tyres would last (something I didnt test) and I knew the guys behind me are very good at conserving theirs. I pitted on lap 12, still with my 6 second lead in check. Now I knew how the tyres acted over a 12 lap stint I was determined to push a little more in the second half to make sure the guys behind didnt mount a charge, I didnt want them beliveing they could catch me :lol: . Over the course of the next 12 laps I extended my lead to 15 seconds.

    In the end it probably looks like an easy race but the amount of concentration required to drive this car at this track with tyres getting worse and worse was just immense. Every now and again I found my mind wandering and had to snap it back in focus or risk a crash haha, Its so easy for a slide to get a bit too big or get the car unbalanced.

    Anyway, awesome job to Ansquad for a strong 2nd and Koastr for 3rd. Chev, mate your 4th again just shows your consistency and you have definitely proved yourself a Div 1 driver.

    Hopefully Iracing doesnt claim too many more guys before the season is out!
  16. OuttaAngst

    OuttaAngst Rookie

    Yeah I saw paulie going into the final corner and tyre smoke was everwhere, then "he" seemed to come across on me and I plowed into the back of him, damaging my front right corner. Cost me a couple of seconds thats all.

    Props to chev for getting me on the undercut, I thought I had you under control, even after you got passed me, as it looked to me like you were feeling the pressure, running a bit deep into turn one a few times and not quite hitting the apex on the exit of the double left hander. I ran out of laps to get the job done and you earned yourself 4th.

    I didn't actually notice us swap paint much at all, except for when you ran off when following timmo's slipstream at turn one. When you came back on track you were all over the place, I didn't know what line you were going to be on.

    I'll have to get your next race.
  17. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Provisional Results for Deep Forest:
    1. Small_fryz
    2. ansquad
    3. KoAStR
    4. Chevwah
    5. OuttaAngst
    6. Cyber_STIG_77
    7. xNeVeR_eNoUgHx
    8. MaxPower331au
    9. Timmo_821
    10. GTP_Paulie (DNF)

    Fastest laps:
    1:16.049 Small_fryz
    1:16.509 ansquad
    1:16.803 KoAStR
    1:17.245 Chevwah
    1:17.565 OuttaAngst
    1:17.882 Cyber_STIG_77
    1:18.137 MaxPower331au
    1:18.156 xNeVeR_eNoUgHx
    1:19.816 Timmo_821
  18. Small_Fryz

    Small_Fryz Rookie

    Cheers for the quick results!
  19. Chevwah

    Chevwah Rookie

    Yeah I was in the horrors a couple of times outta, partly from pressure and partly because my tyres were a lap older than yours. Either way, it was a great battle. I spent most of the time with one eye on my rear view mirror.
  20. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    No problems. :D I'll try and keep it that way!

    Ah I know that feeling, that's a hard earned position there. In that situation I am never quite sure whether to put eyes forward, try and get the hammer down and break some ground, or be cautious and keep one eye in the mirror at the expense of ultimate pace...either way has it's risks.
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