How do you drive on Australia's roads?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by JonoStan96, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. JonoStan96

    JonoStan96 Legend Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    JonoStan96 (J.Stankowski)
    image.jpg I've been coming under a little bit of flak recently from my driving instructors (a.k.a parents) about my driving style, how I accelerate far too quickly and heavily out of corners, roundabouts, traffic lights, and how I don't "shuffle" my hands while turning. I also have a habit of travelling around 20km/h above the speed limit. And that got me thinking, with racing all in our blood, do the other ROOZ fellas drive like this? Keep in mind, I've only completed 66 hours on my L's. I've still got PLENTY to learn! ;)

    Cheers, Jono.
    seth123 likes this.
  2. S_CLOSE

    S_CLOSE Professional

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    Mate, I leave all the racing and speeding to our virtual environment, where you can get away with hitting anything and anyone and an apology will do.
    I follow the rules.
    JonoStan96 and Stumbles like this.
  3. Stumbles

    Stumbles Dave - Moderator Team Raceonoz

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    Jono, I'm with Serg, leave all that in the virtual world. If you really need to do it "for real", then do it at a race track in controlled conditions.

    Not only that, speeding fines are bloody massive these days, my missus got done 10 Kms over and it cost me $390 (and 3 demerit points), don't give those revenue raisers the pleasure.
    JonoStan96 likes this.
  4. Mustafur

    Mustafur World Champion

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    yeah not a good idea to take anything you learn from racing onto the road.
    JonoStan96 likes this.
  5. Bonus 888

    Bonus 888 Rookie

    I do all you do but the 20K's over the limit bit (costly one that one) but it comes from knowing the limit and staying well below it. It takes many years to really get used to the real road so don't rush it and learn the hard way, it can cost you more than money. Shuffle your hands is outdated now and driving instructors actually encourage you to steer how you most feel comfortable. Accelerating out of corners is the way to go but just enough throttle to maintain grip/feel, letting off out of a corner makes the car unstable and is an accident waiting to happen. Just got to learn the right approach speeds to a corner and the rest will fall into place. Take it slow and get a lesson or 2 or 3.
    Stumbles and JonoStan96 like this.
  6. JonoStan96

    JonoStan96 Legend Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    JonoStan96 (J.Stankowski)
    I'm investing in proffessional lessons which I'll be undertaking soon. My mother got done last year for doing 10km/h over the limit by sneaky cops hiding in the bush. Next time I drive I'll be keeping a closer eye on the limiter, my speeding is getting dangerous. I also need to learn to ignore bastards who tailgate, that's very dangerous.
    I didn't know that shuffling is now considered outdated, I steer as a race driver does. (like at Monaco for example.)

    I suppose it is a good thing I live just 5 mins from Eastern Creek Raceway! Always terrific to head down there on a Saturday arvo for a kart race or two.

    Thanks for the feedback, being a safe driver is much more important than a fast driver!
    seth123, Ad2mny, Juzzo and 2 others like this.
  7. zampli

    zampli Team Driver

    As I'm still on L's as well, my instructor told me to shuffle, felt better than trying to keep on turning with the arms, especially in a normal car, on a road, not like in a race or whatever.
    I had my lessons in an auto, but only because I wasn't ready to go in a manual around Bondi/Woollahra (this was months ago), fairly heavily built up and crowded.
    I do manual around some docks near Botany, much quieter round there.
    One guy I know offered me a drive in his car which had a racing clutch, my dad refused before I said anything though lol.
    But yeah, no correlation between GT (ESPECIALLY GT of all racing sims) and IRL driving.
    JonoStan96 likes this.
  8. JonoStan96

    JonoStan96 Legend Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    JonoStan96 (J.Stankowski)
    Could be worse, I could be driving like I was in Grand Theft Auto...
    seth123 likes this.
  9. zampli

    zampli Team Driver

    Or something like NFS lol. I tried to con my dad into buying a better racing setup with clutch and stuff for IRL driving but didn't work lol, so working on that myself atm.
    bjh1012 and JonoStan96 like this.
  10. Mustafur

    Mustafur World Champion

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    basically, drive like they tell you to drive to pass your P test then learn to drive whats more comfortable once your on your own.
    I did my test in Auto and I have only ever owned 1 manual car and that was for around a month, im pretty comfortable driving a manual but its not big deal to me either way, if you do your test in auto your allowed to drive manual in NSW once you get your greens.
    JonoStan96 likes this.
  11. bjh1012

    bjh1012 Bruce Hale Super ROOZ

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    In NZ if you do your test in auto only aloud to drive auto. but if you do test man can drive both. My son got his in man and wrote his car off about 3 weeks ago (He was driving on gravel though) got him a new old car the other day. I suggest you do a defensive course, well worth the money, shouldn't be too expensive anyway.
    S_CLOSE likes this.
  12. bjh1012

    bjh1012 Bruce Hale Super ROOZ

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    Keep the pressure on sim better then no s
  13. ENFORCER_98

    ENFORCER_98 Lead Foot Boffin

    PSN ID
    isnt it funny i always said im not going to be one of those p platers who turns into the hoon that lasted for maybe 3 weeks lol so next thing you know im racing the pulsar around my rural roads thinking im the :):):):) and ironically i end up in the back of a volkswagen toureg doing about 15km/h the point im trying to make is one can drive fast and think they know what their doing but in the end it was the total opposite that caught me out a motorway consentina at a roundabout turning lane everyone elsed checked up i didnt...... bang goodbye pulsar and the worst thing is the sheer sound of "crunch" and how abruptly the car stops will forever be a lasting reminder so N64 i would take it easy untill you know what your doing and as for shuffling the wheel you may aswell move your seat 300 notches forward have your nose to the windscreen be holding the wheel at 11 and 1 o'clock and drive around doing 25km/h LOL
    JonoStan96 likes this.
  14. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    I've had my licence for 48 years and as youngster I was a lunatic, lucky to survive actually, a couple of my mates didn't. In one incident I took the arse out of my pants when my butt slipped out of the door as I skidded to a halt after a sideways head on collision on the old highway at Prospect near the Prospect Reservoir gates, lucky to survive that one, I have also been upside down against the wall at Energol corner at Oran Park. Luckily my craziness didn't kill me.
    What I quickly learned was that I wasn't infallable. I still hustle along pretty quickly and can get through traffic well. I keep within 15K of the limit at all times and keep aware of what is going on around me, that is the key, be prepared for the surprises.
    I also hate it when guys insist on travelling beside you on dual lanes. I like to keep the lane next to me clear to give me more options on where to go if there is a drama.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2013
    JonoStan96 likes this.
  15. Anon666

    Anon666 Destitute Gentleman Driver Team Raceonoz Super ROOZ

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    I'm amazed you lasted 3 months E. So was the pulsar scraped?

    My advice:

    1. Get a manual licence. As my Dad said to me, "What are you going to do if your girlfriend drives a manual and you can't take your car? Sit in the passenger seat with you googleberries in her purse?". Old fashioned I know, but you know what he means...
    2. There are cops everywhere these days trying to fill their quota's keeping our roads safe. Forget speeding, keep the revenue in your own pocket.
    3. You may be a competent driver, even a great driver, but that is not the issue when it comes to traffic. The issue is the thousands of people on the roads who are dribbling, window-licking, phone-fiddling, time bombs! And they will do something stupid near you, guaranteed!! So instead of thinking how quick can I take this corner, or which gear is best, or where's the apex, or can I beat the Honda at the lights...the thing you should be thinking is, "Which one of these sock-puppets is going to try and kill me today?".
    4. Do a skid pan driver's course. I grew up around cane paddocks and lots of dirt roads, and I made a mess of many rows of cane. But it taught me what an out of control car feels like. You need to know this feeling before you fully understand that a car will kill you if you don't respect it.
    5. Don't try super-fun times with the fairer sex in the front seat, it's no designed for that, and just never works that well. Go straight to the back seat and don't forget to use a jimmy!!
  16. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    I used to go to new suburb developments where there were no houses built yet to practice spinning when it rained, I only drove 40hp Hillmans and Morrises so they spun easily at low speeds. I wouldn't try it now in my 300hp Holden!! It takes up a lot of road when it gets out of shape.
    Ad2mny likes this.
  17. Ad2mny

    Ad2mny Absentee Moderator / PS5 ACC Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Some may disagree, but I think everyone should ride a motorbike for 12 months. It teaches you a lot about looking ahead and paying attention to traffic around you.
    JonoStan96 likes this.
  18. X4rotorsploxX

    X4rotorsploxX Rookie

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    X4rotorsploxX S.Leonheart (GT6)
    Personally I think shuffling hands is dangerous. Only do it when neccasery otherwise don't at all. As for speeding, try to never do it on the road lol. Already lost my licence twice because of speeding (upset an XR6 turbo driver in my Honda though so it was worth it haha) and only had it for 3 n a bit years, woops. 4 points on your P's sucks too.

    EDIT: Did you tell your parents you play Gran Turismo =p
  19. Mustafur

    Mustafur World Champion

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    I got my first speeding ticket now, 2 years into having my blacks lol.

    damn CLK is much faster then the crappy cars I was used to before.
  20. Stumbles

    Stumbles Dave - Moderator Team Raceonoz

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    Ouch, how much?? Damn revenue raisers