ACC [PC] Season 6 - Round 5 [Misano 2020 - 60min] Sprint

Discussion in 'Assetto Corsa Competizione PC Monday Night' started by CornfordCaster, Jul 13, 2021.

  1. CornfordCaster

    CornfordCaster Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member


    RaceOnOz Monday Night ACC League Season 6 - GT3 World Tour
    Admin team: @krunch, @nanlatt, @CornfordCaster, @SteveDrivingSlowly, @Flamebadger

    Round 5 - SPRINT - Misano 2020

    19th July 2021 at 8:00pm
    (AEST - click for time zone info)

    We recommend completely uninstalling custom painted skins from your ACC folders to avoid the excessive join lag issue.

    • Redressing is a thing - It's important to redress when you have caused another car to lose position. More info here
    • Start Formation - The Kunos start system isn't perfect and still allows cars to be a fair way out of place by the time the lights go green so we will continue to review starts as a matter of procedure. We will issue warnings or penalties to drivers that we believe are gaining an unfair advantage or disadvantaging other drivers by being out of position.
      • Please respect other drivers and stay in your grid position
      • Do not stay 'ghosted' within any other car especially in the final phase of the formation lap
      • It is not acceptable to take another car's position before the start
      • If ACC fails to give a penalty for being out of position then the Admin team will issue a post race penalty
      • Driver's need to be side by side with their row partner and must maintain a reasonable gap to the cars ahead prior to the lights going green
      • Drivers should stop all weaving and brake warming as soon as the double file segment begins
      • penalties WILL NOT BE CLEARED even if it seems to be a glitch - just take more care!
    • Avoiding pre-start and Lap 1 Carnage! - Take extra care as the lights go green as all cars will be in a tight, accelerating pack:
      • Expect cars to be much closer to you and varying in speed due to all the others around so try to leave a tad more space.
      • Assume there are cars in your blind spots and and on the other side of visible cars until the pack spreads out more.
      • In braking zones you must brake SIGNIFICANTLY earlier than you would in general racing.
      • Avoid sudden direction changes unless you are sure you are well clear.
      • If on a straight section don't drift - stay straight.
      • Approach each situation with caution but execute your driving with intelligence.
      • If you need to redress in this tight pack situation keep going until you can move out of the traffic safely before slowing down
    • Optional use of indicators - Should drivers wish to use indicators to assist with managing lapped traffic, they are to be used as they are used on the road - i.e. you should indicate which way you are going - if you indicate left, you go left. REMEMBER TO TURN THEM OFF AGAIN.
    • All drivers should read the "Rooz Etiquette guide' and "Rules & Regs" linked below before the start of Round 1.

    Race Server Name: ROOZ [AUS:AEST] SVR01 [PRAC/RACE] S6 R5 [Misano 2020 - 60min]
    Server Password: season6
    • This server is available for practice in the week prior to Monday's race.
    • The server will kick over to official practice at 8:00pm (AEST) on the Monday night.
    • The server has a locked entry list and will only allow those who have signed up for the season to join it.
    • All sessions are open for joining.
    • The server won't show in the multiplayer lobby so you will need to search for "raceonoz" or "rooz".
    'Whacky' Wednesday Server Name: ROOZ [AUS:AEST] SVR02 [WHACKY WED] S6 R5 [Misano 2020 - 2x30min]
    Server Password: season6
    • This server is both for season 6 practice and for others wishing to try out racing at ROOZ.
    • The server runs as a Super Sprint with 2x30min races and no pitstops.
    • The server will kick over to first practice at 8:00pm (AEST) on the Wednesday night.
    • The server has an open entry list with an SA rating of 60.
    • All sessions are open for joining.
    • The server won't show in the multiplayer lobby so you will need to search for "raceonoz" or "rooz".
    • more info: Whacky Wednesday Forum Thread

    This round is a SPRINT:
    • 1 x 60 min race.
    • 1 Mandatory pitstop for tyres.
    • Fuel optional, fill time not fixed.
    • Full formation lap with UI gizmo and car ghosting on. Getting too far out of position can result in being auto-sent to the pits for the start.
    • Server time scale multiplier set at 1x for this round.
      • Official Practice, 45 mins (in game Friday 10pm) - OPEN for joining
      • Qualifying, 15 mins (in game Saturday 8pm) - OPEN for joining
      • Race, 60 mins (in game Sunday 10pm) - OPEN for joining
    • Weather: "ambientTemp": 22, "cloudLevel": 0.12, "rain": 0.1, "weatherRandomness": 5

    This season is a fixed car per driver championship. Whichever car you start your first official round in will be the car you use for the rest of the season.


    All important information for racing is available on our forums, however we strongly advise drivers to join our Discord server for for voice and text chat. Sometimes critical information such as server issues, race delays, last minute race format changes, instructions to a specific driver, etc. will be relayed only through the Discord voice channel and text chat. There is also a healthy dose of banter that just makes the round more fun :). Once you sign up for any Season at Rooz you'll be given extra Discord permissions for text chat.

    >> ROOZ Discord Server <<

    Discord voice chat rules and etiquette:
    • if you intend to chat you MUST use push-to-talk. No-none wants to hear your gear clicks, heavy breathing or barking dog in the background.
    • non-excessive chat and banter is OK in Practice sessions.
    • There should be minimal chat in Qualifying sessions - essential questions, statements, apologies etc. only.
    • There should be minimal chat in Race sessions - essential questions, statements, apologies etc. only.
    • If you become frustrated or angry at yourself or another driver please do not push your talk button. Keep it private!
    • Please do not conduct arguments over voice chat. Sort it out later!
    • Abuse will not be tolerated. There's no place for that stuff at Rooz!
    • Please wait until ALL drivers have completed the final lap of a race before discussing your race.
    • Admins may speak at any time in any session for obvious reasons.
    • Feel free to hang around in chat after the race. Many of us like to have a laugh about things that may have happened in the race and it can be a nice wind-down :)

    Unfortunately due to the serious "join freeze" or "join lag" issue we are currently not allowing the use of custom painted skins for this season. Specifically we are talking about skins painted externally and saved as PNG files that are added to ACC.

    We love the idea of custom painted skins and would dearly love to add this rich feature to our league but ultimately the quality of the racing must come first. We have discussed at length a number of ideas and methodologies to try to overcome the problem but these involve arrangements which add complexity for the admin team as well as all drivers involved in the season and still may not result in overcoming the problem. If the situation improves significantly either through better support within ACC or through the community arriving at workable solutions then we will certainly look at allowing custom painted skins into our Monday night league racing.

    If you also love custom painted skins then please help us out by searching high and low for real solutions, and by all means feel free to do some testing on our servers including during our Wednesday fun practice nights.

    At this stage we are not restricting the use of the in-game editor for creating custom colour schemes. This may change if we find that even that system causes serious join lag issues.

    NOTE: As we cannot block the use of skins at the server level we strongly suggest all drivers who sign up to the season remove all custom painted skins from their game installation folders as a precaution. If a custom painted skin has been accidentally left selected on a driver's car when they enter the server during a qualifying session causing join lag they will be immediately disqualified from the round. Any driver that has a copy of that joining driver's selected skin will experience a large join lag as that image is loaded into memory. Every other driver on the server may experience some level of 'join lag' even if they have zero customs skins in their game.

    Thanks for racing at RaceOnOz
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2021
    krunch likes this.
  2. CornfordCaster

    CornfordCaster Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 19, 2021
    UrsineSaturn9 likes this.
  3. UrsineSaturn9

    UrsineSaturn9 World Champion Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Fun race tonight. Clean and respectful, no damage and kept it fairly consistent throughout. Also decided to give VR a go tonight for the first time in a league race in this game. It was good fun despite the average image quality so might stick with it, but if any of you VR guru's think you can help me out please see this post in General Game Discussion:
    krunch and CornfordCaster like this.
  4. CornfordCaster

    CornfordCaster Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    @Cooper just came up with a pc profile for extra performance and I think has the same headset.
    UrsineSaturn9 likes this.
  5. CornfordCaster

    CornfordCaster Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    Kind of mixed bag race for me here, I feel like top 10 was on if I didn't have my bump with King. Qualifying was average and I know I left at least .5 or more on table, qualifying is something I really need to work on for MNL races, I seem to have more pace on a Wednesday recently which is not really ideal! The pace in first stint was actually not too bad, I gained 2 places in the first 2 sectors on the opening lap before being stuck with no where to go after the pair in front of me touched at the hairpin, I had to avoid them to the outside of the track and this let a whole bunch of cars though but I came out with no damage at least.

    Once things settled down I had a great battle with Flukey for quite a few laps and nailed him into T4 after he was loose in the first few corners. I had a perfect pitstop as usual do in this league (touch-wood) and came out right on the back of King, after dealing with :):):):)-house cold tyres on my out lap and letting Nichols lap me who hadn't pitted yet and I got a great run on King down the straight, we touched in the fast right which unsettled me a little but there was no harm done, then however I was a meter or two too late in the hairpin and turned him around. :(:poop::mad::( I think we lost 2 places each here but I watched the replay and that's 100% on me for the contact, I waited to redress but was swearing on the inside, a silly mistake! I didn't really feel like I had the same pace in second stint after that but if I cleared King at that point I'm confident I would have had an easy top 10. Unfortunately for King he got done for track limits a few laps later but not much else happened from then until the end, just average pace with average driving.

    6.5/10 still fun
  6. Glenn Stimson

    Glenn Stimson Rookie

    PSN ID
    YouTube must have gone through an upgrade, as I was able to upload the entire race replay in less than 5 minutes. Normally it would take about 1.5hrs to upload a 15 minute highlights video.

    The following time stamps will make it easier to navigate to any items of interest within the video.
    00:00:00 - Green light, race start
    00:00:28 - Turned around on lap 1, turn 4
    00:00:43 - Disqualified for driving the wrong way
    00:00:44 - Video end
  7. Wally

    Wally Team Driver

    It was a fairly unremarkable race for me. Qually started poorly, with a couple of invalidated laps, and I ended up 26th. Finished 14th though, after avoiding any incidents. I had some good pressure applied to me by Carlos for quite a long time, but I pitted to get him out of my mirrors, which seemed to open up an eventual gap to him.
    c4rLo5 likes this.
  8. Cokko Bill

    Cokko Bill Rookie

    Congrats to the podium drivers,you guys are very fast and never make a mistake!!
    A race to forget for me this time,i simply got lost in the dark,and after the race directors gave me a stop and go penalty i reached for
    the ESC and grab a beer from the fridge,,,,,lets turn page.
    But yes,very solid guys here and serious about racing online.....NOICE!!!!
    See you next event....CIAO!!!
    krunch and UrsineSaturn9 like this.
  9. UrsineSaturn9

    UrsineSaturn9 World Champion Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Well, it didn't last long, but it looked great while it lasted! And thanks, the time stamps were really helpful! :laugh:
    krunch likes this.
  10. Paul McElhinney

    Paul McElhinney Rookie

    I had a bit of a pit stop disaster that ruined my race. The first stint went well enough and I spent that last part of the stint creeping up on Wallzy's Ferrari looking for a part of the track to sneak by. But since there was nowhere where we had a big difference in pace, I decided to pit and try a bonsai outlap to get by.

    My pitstop was appalling. I hit the wrong button before the limiter line and sped to the pit box. I also overshot the pitbox and had to back up.

    Sure enough I received a 30 sec stop go and took it straight away. I came out of the pits a second time and found myself behind Wallzy's Ferrari again, but this time a lap down. After that I settled into a groove and got out of the way whenever I had blue flags. Though I did manage to get one more place in the last stint.

    Despite the poor finish, I think I focussed better than I had done previously and I managed to be fairly consistent. So overall i'm happy with how it went and I was pleased with how cleanly everyone was racing.
    nanlatt, UrsineSaturn9 and krunch like this.
  11. krunch

    krunch ACC Server Legend Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    your luck :cry:
    your video :roflmao:

    aaaaanyway... not my best race last night that's for sure.

    Sorry again to Mael for the punt. I misjudged the relative difference in braking between our cars at that early stage of the race. I should have left more margin. I wasn't even aiming to pass, just stay close enough to battle. I hope there was something left of your race to enjoy.

    After redressing I was at the tail of the field but the car felt good. I enjoyed the rest of the race trying to maintain consistency and learn more about the car. I had a couple more battles with Mael and then King which kept things interesting till the finish.

    There's always next week :)
  12. Glenn Stimson

    Glenn Stimson Rookie

    PSN ID
    I found 59 minutes and 16 seconds that I didn't previously have, which gave me time to analyse the footage and add the time stamps.
  13. CornfordCaster

    CornfordCaster Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    Thank goodness you've at least got this sense of humour for this situation.
    krunch likes this.
  14. WALLZY

    WALLZY Rookie Gold Member

    I had an ok race.
    I managed to avoid the first lap shenanigans and stayed with Dominiac for the first 10 laps. After this i think i must of pushed the tires to hard and i lost a heap of pace and i was having some massive slides in turn 1 leading up to my pitstop. I did have a great stop and closed the 6 second plus gap to Dominiac but couldn't really keep up. Last half of the race was pretty lonely with no one really around.

    I am really struggling for pace and consistency in the Ferrari so i am looking forward to next season already.

    Since poor @Glenn Stimson was out after 46 seconds i have done a highlights video for the night.
    NOTE: HD version is still processing when i posted this.
  15. Mael

    Mael Professional

    No problem Krunch, like most backmarkers I'm amused by small things :D . Enjoyed chasing you after the pit stops until an overeager curb jumped out in front of me. Then had a fun few laps trying to catch @MusicRacer , he just stayed ahead on fresher tyres :thumbsup:
    krunch likes this.
  16. MusicRacer

    MusicRacer Rookie

    I visited the pits enough they should've been fresh :p
    Paul McElhinney and krunch like this.