ACC RaceOnOz ACC [PC] Season 5 - Round 2 Enduro Kyalami

Discussion in 'Assetto Corsa Competizione PC Monday Night' started by SteveDrivingSlowly, Jan 27, 2021.

  1. SteveDrivingSlowly

    SteveDrivingSlowly ACC Results Ste(ve)ward

    RaceOnOz Monday Night ACC League Season 5 - GT Challenge
    Admin team: @Flamebadger, @krunch, @SteveDrivingSlowly, @nanlatt

    Round 2 - ENDURO - KYALAMI 2019
    1st February 2021 at 8:15pm
    (AEDT - click for time zone info)

    We recommend completely uninstalling custom painted skins from your ACC folders to avoid the excessive join lag issue.

    • Start Formation - The admin team will be taking a close look at driver's positions at race starts as we have noticed that some cars are getting away with being out of position. Driver's need to be side by side with their row partner and must maintain a reasonable gap to the cars ahead prior to the lights going green. The Kunos start system isn't perfect and still allows cars to be a fair way out of place by the time the lights go green so we will be reviewing starts as a matter of procedure from now on. We will issue warnings or penalties to drivers that we believe are gaining an unfair advantage or disadvantaging other drivers by being out of position. We'd also like drivers to stop all weaving and brake warming as soon as the double file segment begins. These sorts of sloppy grid formations can lead to major crashes in the first few corners so we'd like to clean that up

    • Avoiding Lap 1 Carnage - Take extra care as the lights go green as all cars will be in a tight, accelerating pack:
      • Expect cars to be much closer to you and varying in speed due to all the others around so try to leave a tad more space.
      • Assume there are cars in your blind spots and and on the other side of visible cars until the pack spreads out more.
      • In braking zones you must brake SIGNIFICANTLY earlier than you would in general racing.
      • Avoid sudden direction changes unless you are sure you are well clear.
      • If on a straight section don't drift - stay straight.
      • Approach each situation with caution but execute your driving with intelligence.
      • If you need to redress in this tight pack situation keep going until you can move out of the traffic safely before slowing down

    • Discord voice chat rules and etiquette:
      • if you intend to chat you MUST use push-to-talk. No-none wants to hear your gear clicks, heavy breathing or barking dog in the background.
      • non-excessive chat and banter is OK in Practice sessions.
      • There should be minimal chat in Qualifying sessions - essential questions, statements, apologies etc. only.
      • There should be minimal chat in Race sessions - essential questions, statements, apologies etc. only.
      • If you become frustrated or angry at yourself or another driver DO NOT PUSH YOUR TALK BUTTON. Keep it private!
      • ABUSE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. There's no place for that stuff at Rooz!
      • Please wait until ALL drivers have completed the final lap of a race before discussing your race.
      • Admins may speak at any time in any session for obvious reasons.

    • Optional use of indicators - Should drivers wish to use indicators to assist with managing lapped traffic, they are to be used as they are used on the road - i.e. you should indicate which way you are going - if you indicate left, you go left. REMEMBER TO TURN THEM OFF AGAIN.

    • All drivers should read the "Rooz Etiquette guide' and "Rules & Regs" linked below before the start of Round 1.

    • Enjoy the battles with others and yourself :)
    Server Name:
    " 01 ROOZ [AUS:AEDT] RACE SERVER S5 Rnd2 90min of Kyalami"
    • The race server will be available to join from approximately 7:45pm AEDT and will kick over to official practice at 8:15pm
    • The server has a locked entry list and will only allow those who have signed up for the season to join it.
    • Qualifying and Practice sessions are open for joining but race sessions are locked.
    • The server won't show in the multiplayer lobby so you will need to search for "raceonoz" or "rooz"
    • PASSWORD: season5

    Server Name:
    " 01 ROOZ [AUS:AEDT] PRAC SERVER S5 Rnd2 90min of Kyalami"
    • The practice server should be available now.
    • The server has a locked entry list and will only allow those who have signed up for the season to join it.
    • All sessions are open for joining.
    • The server won't show in the multiplayer lobby so you will need to search for "raceonoz" or "rooz".
    • All conditions are set to match those that will be used for the race server.
    • PASSWORD: season5
    NOTE: Wacky Wednesday League Practice - Every Wednesday night we host a semi-closed race practice evening ahead of the upcoming Season 5 championship round. These are very informal and chilled out practice sessions where you can come in and try out set-ups, chat and have some fun racing without worrying about your championship points (this is separate to the 24/7 practice server which is always available). Importantly you can practice close racing moves with far less pressure and less consequence than Monday nights and we particularly encourage those newer to sim racing to join in. There are often excellent tips from some of our top pro drivers too. More info in the Wacky Wednesday League Practice thread.

    This round is an ENDURO:
    • 1 x 90 min race.
    • 1 x mandatory pitstop
    • 87 minute pit window
    • Tyre change is mandatory
    • Fuel is mandatory, fill time fixed.
    • 15 min qualifying session.
    • Full formation lap with UI gizmo and car ghosting on. Getting too far out of position can result in being auto-sent to the pits for the start. Speeding as the lights go green will result in a stop/go penalty.
    • Server time scale multiplier set at 2x for this round.
      • Official Practice, 45 mins (in game Friday 6pm) - OPEN for joining
      • Qualifying, 15 mins (in game Saturday 6pm) - OPEN for joining
      • Race, 90 mins (in game Sunday 6pm) - LOCKED no joining
    • Weather is set to an average of 18 degrees with a slightly increased chance of rain across all sessions.

    Season 5 is a fixed car per driver championship. Whichever car you start your first official round in will be the car you use for the rest of the season.


    All important information for racing is available on our forums, however we strongly advise drivers to join our Discord server for for voice and text chat. Sometimes critical information such as server issues, race delays, last minute race format changes, instructions to a specific driver, etc. will be relayed only through the Discord voice channel and text chat. There is also a healthy dose of banter that just makes the round more fun :). Once you sign up for any Season at Rooz you'll be given extra Discord permissions for text chat.

    Discord voice chat rules and etiquette:
    • if you intend to chat you MUST use push-to-talk. No-none wants to hear your gear clicks, heavy breathing or barking dog in the background.
    • non-excessive chat and banter is OK in Practice sessions.
    • There should be minimal chat in Qualifying sessions - essential questions, statements, apologies etc. only.
    • There should be minimal chat in Race sessions - essential questions, statements, apologies etc. only.
    • If you become frustrated or angry at yourself or another driver DO NOT PUSH YOUR TALK BUTTON. Keep it private!
    • ABUSE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. There's no place for that stuff at Rooz!
    • Please wait until ALL drivers have completed the final lap of a race before discussing your race.
    • Admins may speak at any time in any session for obvious reasons.
    • Feel free to hang around in chat after the race. Many of us like to have a laugh about things that may have happened in the race and it can be a nice wind-down :)

    Unfortunately due to the serious "join freeze" or "join lag" issue we are currently not allowing the use of custom painted skins for Season 5. Specifically we are talking about skins painted externally and saved as PNG files that are added to ACC.

    We love the idea of custom painted skins and would dearly love to add this rich feature to our league but ultimately the quality of the racing must come first. We have discussed at length a number of ideas and methodologies to try to overcome the problem but these involve arrangements which add complexity for the admin team as well as all drivers involved in the season and still may not result in overcoming the problem. If the situation improves significantly either through better support within ACC or through the community arriving at workable solutions then we will certainly look at allowing custom painted skins into our Monday night league racing.

    If you also love custom painted skins then please help us out by searching high and low for real solutions, and by all means feel free to do some testing on our servers including during our Wednesday fun practice nights.

    At this stage we are not restricting the use of the in-game editor for creating custom colour schemes. This may change if we find that even that system causes serious join lag issues.

    NOTE: As we cannot block the use of skins at the server level we strongly suggest all drivers who sign up to Season 5 remove all custom painted skins from their game installation folders as a precaution. If a custom painted skin has been accidently left selected on a driver's car when they enter the server during a qualifying session causing join lag they will be immediately disqualified from the round. Any driver that has a copy of that joining driver's selected skin will experience a large join lag as that image is loaded into memory. Every other driver on the server may experience some level of 'join lag' even if they have zero customs skins in their game.

    Thanks for racing at RaceOnOz

    Last edited: Feb 2, 2021
    Flamebadger and krunch like this.
  2. Wally

    Wally Team Driver

    Just checking - race length says 90 mins and 60 mins in the session info.
    SteveDrivingSlowly likes this.
  3. SteveDrivingSlowly

    SteveDrivingSlowly ACC Results Ste(ve)ward

    nice catch mate - now fixed!
  4. Flamebadger

    Flamebadger ACC Server Legend

    Turn 15 brought to you by Bunnings - get stuck into a sausage today :D
  5. CornfordCaster

    CornfordCaster Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    Thinking I should maybe help my local organisation next time I'm down at Bunnings.
    For every hit in the race I'll 'buy' a snag? 90 minute race, that could be a lot of hits I might need to see what is a reasonable amount for this, 2:1? Lord knows I definitely can't eat as many as we're going to hit!

    After Lap 10 we're at 8 sausages! (I'm counting any sausage hits that result in running wide 'off track', or losing control. People losing control without coming close to the sausage out of pure fear are not being counted.)
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2021
  6. JamesT

    JamesT Rookie

    So apologies to Car 84 and others for the start incident. Did not expect the green lights before the start finish straight and lost control exiting the last turn. Mea culpa!
    CornfordCaster likes this.
  7. CornfordCaster

    CornfordCaster Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    Just reserving my spot for a rant later. From the highs of last week to the frustrating lows of this race. Ooph!

    Well what can I say? I was running really well in practice but screwed myself over by not getting a good lap in so I qualify 40th when I think I should have probably been in the 15th-20th range, maybe 12th at best? Whatever a low 1:41 would have got me.

    The race start was very not good. At All. Many cars go bang. Many cars go crash. All before the start line. Although watching replays it was a pretty shocking first lap all around, so many people got shafted as well I guess!

    Bang bang lap incident 1 left me with a bit of damage but I decided to add a bit more when my tyres weren't up to temp with a soft adventure into the wall. All of this left me with maybe 25ish seconds of damage, but at least I wasn't flipped onto my top!

    I think it might have been from memory I decided to come into the pits 25 minutes in, allowing for basically a full stint after repairing myself except when I was adding fuel to my strategy I accident changed pit strategy right as I stopped to adding no fuel and wrong tyre pressures, essentially giving myself a stop and go penalty for the fun of it. I really just needed to focus on getting a cool head and getting on with the job but on the next lap when I was planning to come in to fix my botched strategy I hit sausage for good measure. It didn't matter I guess, I was coming in anyway.

    I did manage to get some composure back after this after accepting that this is just how this is race is going to go, down somewhere in 700th position. I don't really remember too much from after this point. I passed some people, blue flags, pass some people, blue flags, run wide on the right, tyre pressure low, blues flags, pass some people I guess?

    I kept running wide at T3-4 whichever the left hander is at the end of the first sequence before the second straight and lost about +1.0 PSI on right front and rear over the stint. This makes for a good unbalanced car, feels good, drives nice. :poop:/10

    On to Hungary, a track I have very very little track time at so I'm pretty keen for it I guess.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2021
  8. UrsineSaturn9

    UrsineSaturn9 World Champion Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Yeah, that was me. I had no idea what happened at the start, I just somehow spun around. Just watched the replay and I see what happened now.

    That was a tough race. From the incident at the start and nursing damage through the first stint, it was just a matter of putting in consistent laps. I repaired damage at the pitstop and found another second or so of pace, but geez it was busy out there on track. I got a lot of practice at letting other cars pass on the blue flags, which got really confusing at times, as some other cars around me were getting lapped while I was getting double lapped and on occassion there where other drivers that I was fighting for position. Very hard to do in the traffic. Anyway, let's call it an educational experience!
  9. MatthewMarshHK

    MatthewMarshHK Rookie

    That was fun! Really enjoyed being part of this group and the way you guys go racing. I found that more difficult than almost anything I can remember. Will sleep well tonight. For some reason I can't see any messages on Discord so if anyone is posting replays, etc, please, er, point me towards them....
  10. Godzilla

    Godzilla Team Driver

    Well that was an interesting race, certainly didn’t expect to be anywhere near the front let alone P2, so close to pole... haha
    Managed to grab first and hold on to it for for almost half the race, seems it is very hard to pass here and the Audi goes OK as well. Unfortunately some mistakes on my part lost the lead and a good few places, sorry to @Denis Strelnikov for the nudge, just went too deep on the brakes, and made what seemed like fairly light side on contact, spun me around but no damage at all.

    After that found myself in P5 and a few seconds behind P4, had a good pit stop and came out just behind @Flamebadger and his Lambo, the rear end of which I became very familiar with last round. Was great fun chasing but just couldn’t find a way through and he wasn’t kind enough to make a mistake...

    By the end the car wasn’t feeling too good and I realised I didn’t adjust pressure for the second stint and the temps dropped lower then I though they would, tyres were in the mid/low 26 psi range which wasn’t great.

    Really impressive how strong the field is here these days, absolutely great racing, well done to the podium finishers
  11. Bueller

    Bueller Rookie

    sincere apologies to Toa Murry for the name calling and also sorry to everyone on the server that had to hear me lose it, it's not like me. The explanation though if anyone cares.... Had a crappy qualy, couldn't set my fastest lap and also had a little spin. First lap chaos was mostly avoided except my right side swiped a spining car leaving me with crappy front aero down force, understeer and flashing right head light (sorry if that looked like I was flashing anyone). Killa made a pass during the incident and with damage I could barely keep up with his Fez, I was questioning though whether it was that much damage or some crappy changes to my set that caused the understeer since it was like that from lap one, frustration initiated. Pitted mid race, probably should have come in a bit earlier. With repairs I came out with a huge gap to Killa but surprisingly a faster car, finally caught up and was feeling like there could be a safe move made before the end of the race, being right on his tail. But, Here's Toa a lap down (blue, but probably faster) now right on mine. A number of laps go by with him sticking is nose in all while I'm trying stay on Killa's ass and assess a move for position. If I hadn't been battling for position I'd have let him go, this is what was the most frustrating part. Killa had a little twitch and lost some speed, I had to release the gas momentarily to avoid taking him out but I got turned around by a lap down, battling for no reason car, that essentially had no business in this, for-position-battle. Lost places, Had damage again and probably looked like I was flashing head lights to all the other blue flag cars I passed for rest of the race. Aside from all that, a good nights racing, thanks all. :)
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2021
  12. Wally

    Wally Team Driver

    A busy race is a fun race! Amazingly, I dodged all the carnage all night. I guess you develop an eye for where things are looking to go awry. I ate sausage once, but no major harm done. Apologies to N.McFlannigan, who I punted off at the hairpin after braking too late. I also had an awkward, scraping pass of E.Tsakhoev, after I ran wide on the exit of the corner before the sausage, with a lapping car coming through at the same time. I lost track of where everyone was for a split second. The only downer was getting turned around in the final corner, leaving me sitting stationary facing the wrong way just around the corner. Everyone did well not to hit me. I lost a handful of places, but made a few of them back.

    I noticed a few of the fast Ferraris were using what appeared to be the safe setup. I'll have to give that a try some time.
    CornfordCaster, Bueller and tezpez85 like this.
  13. tezpez85

    tezpez85 Professional Gold Member

    I got into the Bunno's sausage once that race and the Merc just gobbled it up. I'm pretty sure you could run people over in that car and all you'd feel is a slight bump. But yea, Kyalami. Perhaps I'm too green with the Merc but just couldn't find anything to match it with the top guys here. That being said everyone ahead or around me had their engines either in the wrong spot, or in a less wrong, but still wrong spot. :p

    I was ahead of Art Vandelay at the start, but could not shake him at all. Coming up to the pitstops I was messing with tyre pressures when I completely missed the brake marker at Crocodiles, letting him through. After the stops I came out behind him and Pilat and the gap was relatively constant til the end of the race no matter what I tried (top driving chaps, very clean :thumbsup:). 8th is the best I could hope for, but points in the bag are good regardless.
  14. SteveDrivingSlowly

    SteveDrivingSlowly ACC Results Ste(ve)ward

    Yikes it sounds like it was a beast of a race! I'm not sure if I am that sad my pedals were dead and I missed it...but yeah, I am sad that I missed it really!

    Good news on the pedal front: Fanatec replied yesterday and have agreed to send me 2 x loadcells (one to use, one to have spare) for the price of one as the pedals are out of warranty, plus cover all shipping etc. So $50 will have me back up and running hopefully within a few weeks (COVID supply chain drama probably gonna make it take a while). As much as I am frustrated with the loadcells failing, I have always had terrific support from these guys and I've never had to wait or argue with them at idea if I will keep these or move them on now but we'll see I guess!
  15. Wally

    Wally Team Driver

    We all know you broke the LC on purpose so now you have to buy some Simworx pedals.
  16. killagorilla

    killagorilla Rookie

    It was a tough, but fun race. Wow, 49 cars on track...crazy...err...great ;)
    Qualy was somewhat ok. I find it hard getting a good time in with so many cars on track.
    I was lucky at the start. Suddenly there was a car popping up in front of me parking on track, but I managed to pass it...think I gained a few positions there. Well, then I had Bueller in my rear view mirror for most of the race. Sorry, I ran a bit wide at T8, which slowed me down quite a bit out of T9. I saw what happened to you and realised it was me causing it.
    An unexpected move by someone I was about to lap close to the end of the race caused a spin, so I lost my position to Hayes unfortunately.
    Wally, no idea about others, but I was on a XXagressive setup ;)
  17. SteveDrivingSlowly

    SteveDrivingSlowly ACC Results Ste(ve)ward

    That is what my wife thinks!
    CornfordCaster and Jeremy Talbot like this.
  18. Jeremy Talbot

    Jeremy Talbot Rookie

    That was a crazy race, so many cars everywhere!

    Couldn't get my groove in with Quali but managed to scrape a P13 out of it which I was reasonably happy with. Then for some stupid reason the game decided to give me a drive through from the formation lap even though I went over the 70kmh mark for a split second, gutted.

    Served my drive through and came out in 36th or so. this is when things went crazy haha. I managed to catch and pass a couple guys but ended up in a train behind N.Mcflannigan and co. It got a bit hairy here and there as I discovered that they brake a bit earlier than I do, especially in the last corner. I touched Mcflannigan and got spun (Acc crash physics are terrible by the way, no way I should have spun from that) and ended up facing the wrong way, ruining all the progress I had made. I turned myself around and proceeded to catch the train again after a few more laps. I tried a move on the inside of clubhouse but I'm not sure he saw me and turned in on me, once again spinning me. I actually thought I spun on the curb but after looking at the replay it was a hit. Unfortunate but it is what it is. In frustration I pitted the next lap to try an undercut even though I'll be on nearly a full tank being on tyres for a full hour.

    This kind of worked as I passed a couple people exiting pitlane, but still needed to get past Wally. Managed to do it after a while and, as other people fell off the wayside, tried to chase down Nando. Got pretty close, and even touched :oops:, but couldn't quite get him as we crossed the line for the final time. So I ended up in P19 which felt almost as good as a win considering where I was at some stages.

    A much more eventful race than last race where I finished P7 from qualifying P7 lol. I still wonder where I would have ended up if not for that drive through but I enjoyed the race nonetheless
    tezpez85, Flamebadger, Wally and 3 others like this.
  19. AeroDynamicMilk

    AeroDynamicMilk Rookie

    That was quite a dirty race from my POV...
    I didn't have as much as pace as I could've so I qualified at the back of the grid, but not too far back where I would've gotten collected by that pit straight accident (whatever happened there is a mystery to me) but i gained a couple positions from it. I also notice that a lot of cars were out of position before the green flag that i'm not sure if i was even in position, i just kept in line with what the game said was the right spot.
    Coming down to T5 (the first swooping right hander) i was right on the rear of another car but he then swerves and the first thing i see is a lambo facing the wrong way so that was a head on collision at full speed then into the barriers. All the damage you could get on the front was given to me that moment so i had to pit if i wanted to keep going but even that didn't fix all the damage so I was racing a car with no front or rear grip.
    At this point I'm out of contention for any real racing and my only hope to gain places is to see if people drop out of the race.
    And for good measure I got a left front puncture at the start of sector 2, so that was hard to keep out of the way of everyone, sorry if I did get in the way.

    The faster cars that are lapping (only some of them) also need to realise that the slower cars have a right be on the track, we're not going to let you past in the corners and risk our car (and your car) getting anymore damage, so please in future be patient with lapped cars, dont push them, literally and figuratively.

    Also the sausage kerb is a confidence killer...
    CornfordCaster likes this.
  20. CornfordCaster

    CornfordCaster Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    Not sure if you checked the replay files but you murdered the :):):):) of Shane (Lambo), flipped him onto his roof! :roflmao:
    Frostwa and AeroDynamicMilk like this.