Learnings from S13, what to keep/change for S14

Discussion in 'GTLOZ Past Seasons' started by Hatfield, Nov 20, 2020.

  1. CaptainRisky21

    CaptainRisky21 World Champion Gold Member

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    razor4797, UrsineSaturn9 and CAB77 like this.
  2. ReynHC

    ReynHC New Recruit

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    I feel like the room idea, how it has been this season is good. I've done every round & i've enjoyed it. Say i was off the pace or an incident occurred and it dropped me a room. It's a new challenge every week racing different people. I've been hopping between R2 & R1. I don't practice until race day & i have very little experience with GT Sport compared to the others im racing & especially on most of the tracks i don't know bar LeMans & Spa this season. So i think it works well personally. When you underperform or something happens and you don't make the cut you are dropped. Which is fair imo. But there is definitely room for improvement.
    incey likes this.
  3. T F Eccles

    T F Eccles Professional Gold Member

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    A potential solution to this is to score the Divs by the traditional point system but retain the fluid rooms. Then have a secondary point system that can be used for the overall ranking i.e. rank drivers by race finish time, score based on that ranking. That way you retain the race-within-a-race that Max talked about earlier.
  4. Matthyus

    Matthyus GTLOZ Results Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    How do you propose to score someone in a higher room compared to the div / room they are in?
  5. T F Eccles

    T F Eccles Professional Gold Member

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    Hmm I take your point. Perhaps, rank a div by finish time without the room time offset then use that to allocate points. e.g. Div 3 drivers, you might have say 3 in room 2, 9 in room 3 and 4 in room 4. You rank all them by their finish time regardless of the room they were in, allocate points accordingly. Now it's entirely possible that that one of the 4 in room 4 may end up with a finish time faster than those in room 2 so a room offset might be warranted.

    One thing this season has done is highlight the car-driver-track interplay and its effect on results. I'd be interested is getting teh data after next week and trying some different models.
  6. Tony4Fingerz

    Tony4Fingerz Team Driver Gold Member

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    I’m a noob when it comes to all this points business but I can’t get my head around why someone using your example, in room 4 gets a faster race time than someone in room 2 gets a penalty... to me they’re being punished even tho they had the better time.
  7. T F Eccles

    T F Eccles Professional Gold Member

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    Generally speaking the rooms from 1 down to 5 go from fastest down to slowest. However we have seen in this season that sometimes an individual's finish time in one of the "slower" rooms is faster than some in a "faster" room. This causes that person to be promoted in the next round.
    In my example I was trying to say that if you ranked all of the drivers from a given division, not room, using their raw finish time, it would be possible for a driver running in room 4 to have a time faster than a driver running in room 2. For that to be the case the driver in room 2 is likely to have finished towards the bottom of room 2.
  8. UrsineSaturn9

    UrsineSaturn9 World Champion Gold Member

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    CAB77 likes this.
  9. NAACS

    NAACS Professional

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    Why am I being brought into this, I am just a mere OAP and novice.
    Apex_64, incey and CAB77 like this.
  10. Apex_64

    Apex_64 Professional

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    I can't comment on the racing as I didn't this season but I do like battling drivers of a similar pace in a car each week whether for a podium or last.
    Looking at race times and lap times from this season in comparison to others, there is not much difference in the "color" mix of either apart from the obvious extra fast div1 this season.
    I think the initial qualification round is a brilliant idea to place each year. After div1 though I think more flexibility is needed. Rather than rigid 16, the cut off could be between 13 to 16 if a large gap in time appears in qualification. This would hopefully stop a bottom 1 to 3 from being noncompetitive. Sandbagging in qualification would only ruin a season for the sandbagger by not racing with similar paced drivers.
    Possibly should run qualification at 2 tracks in the 45 min and take an average to avoid track bias.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2020
  11. razor4797

    razor4797 Professional Gold Member

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    I tend to agree, but a lot of people wouldn't care and would love to dominate a lower division for the satisfaction.
    I like this idea, particularly as some tracks suit certain styles of driving, and favourite tracks for certain people etc.
  12. Max Gassit

    Max Gassit Team Driver

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    There needs to be an overlap in point scores from one division to the next. For example all divisions carry the same points for each placing. This is then multiplied by a predetermined factor relative to each division.
    At Spa for example the driver that won in D3 scored less than the last placed in D2.
    Also, a dnf should be zero points, much like a mechanical failure in real life. Again I'll use Spa, D3 winner scores less than the dnf's from D2.
  13. RPeeM808

    RPeeM808 Rookie Gold Member

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    an overlapping point system with a division multiplier, i have created a table but unable to upload
    Max Gassit likes this.
  14. UrsineSaturn9

    UrsineSaturn9 World Champion Gold Member

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    Jokers are also a bit of a joke with the fluid rooms. Some pretty safe 50 pointers throughout the season from fast drivers that had dropped rooms.
    Max Gassit likes this.
  15. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    With the amount of work this season, mods are in with a well deserved break before next season beginning Feb 2021.
    With this amount of work in mind, we will revert to the division system where division=room and is no longer split or fluid.
    R1Q will stay in place of meet n greet but will have 2 sessions on 2 different tracks on the night to stop skew of data at bogey tracks for certain drivers.
    Drivers who find they are struggling in a div or dominating in a div, can be moved up or down as required.
    Dybo, Max Gassit, funk-13 and 6 others like this.
  16. funk-13

    funk-13 Rookie

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    This is my first season, thoroughly enjoyed racing and meeting new ppl by moving up and down a few times, but others being promoted from Div 5 for example to 3 and 4 (which i am happy for of course and myself when i did :) ) and getting a bag of points while I wasn't able to does make it hard to catch them unless you get up in a division/room as well and various incidents, spins etc can play a big part in getting promoted and relegated as well which some times is out of your control as you all know.

    Wasn't here for the old system but battling the same ppl for that season does seem like more fun and creates a bit of friendly banter (key word friendly) etc. and if they/or yourself spin we are in the same div and cant get extra points coming last.

    I have another thought but highly unlikely it will be taken on board, what about random track selection at 8pm with practice starting at 8:20 for example for 40min and then 5min quali session?? Someone said it before sometimes they have a 3 hrs practice in a week sometimes 20min or none. I think this will make it very even and fair week in, week out in each division, doesn't need to be a full random selection it could be short list of 15/20 tracks and selected randomly, so at least for some that want to play during the week they can select that track to practice on with the chance it is selected? (if its not it could be next week so time is not completely wasted) I've done something similar in past and it brought those at the back of the pack closer to the midfield and some to even get podiums especially when more stratergy was in place hence my next recommendation.

    What if we increased fuel and tyre wear to like 5 or 7 and mandatory to use two types of compounds to add a level of strategy, some will go for the longer but slower stint, some could even pit an extra time for a faster tyre, also throws a spanner in the works because when the tyres go they go and you could be building sand castles for a while, so practice isn't about fastest laps ( well maybe a few laps) its about consistency and seeing which tyre is best, it will create a bit more chatter between everyone also for intelligence/data.

    Sorry for the long post!
  17. UrsineSaturn9

    UrsineSaturn9 World Champion Gold Member

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    Zero practice rock up and race a random track sounds like a good midweek community event, not sure it would fly for Sunday league.

    And personally I prefer the higher tyre and fuel multipliers, but each to their own and that debate will continue on into eternity
  18. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    I have previously run a mid-week 'no practice' series where the cars and tracks were selected at random and we just started the race, Sunday league is a more serious system, so we like to let people do as much or little practice as they like

    the fuel/tyre modifiers are used at different levels for different seasons, this is the first time in a while to run x1/x1
    Max Gassit, Peersy and Xtr3meNZer like this.
  19. Xtr3meNZer

    Xtr3meNZer Professional Gold Member

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    As much as I have enjoyed the changing of rooms, and the challenge of moving up into the next room if able - coming to the end of the season, the divisions staying in their rooms does sound more appealing in a championship point of view. It certainly has changed the dynamic with drivers shifting between rooms, and having races where it's no fault of your own being demoted down due to being pushed off or something of the like.

    I welcome the Divisions/Rooms staying the same next season, with a pre-season qualifying.
    Dybo, Ian Cannan, Max Gassit and 2 others like this.
  20. Steve Neilson

    Steve Neilson Team Driver Gold Member

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    May as well make some noise, feel free to disregard.
    If we run 1×1 again can we have two tyre types or start on 70% fuel, just to make pitting not seem pointless.
    Sprint is different obviously, and enduro all fuel , 2 tyre compounds tho.
    Points, perhaps the people who go up a room are awarded overall points based on placing in said room but for there own room championship they race for top points in their own room also. I hope it makes sense.
    Means they don't leave the other guys for dead.
    Max Gassit and Dybo like this.