GT Sport Season 12 Division 1

Discussion in 'GTLOZ Past Seasons' started by Hatfield, Jul 9, 2020.

  1. stucar17

    stucar17 Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    No, take it to the stewards rather than play out another 3 page back and forth between the usual :):):):) stirrers.
    Even with a redress, if there is a clear breach then the other driver 'may' have something that warrants a penalty, but the stewards group will determine that

    We dont want another 3 pages of mindless banter between the usual suspects.
    Everyone else pipe down
  2. Motors560

    Motors560 Professional

    PSN ID
    Had a pretty decent run in my return to div 1. Qualified 2nd quickest out of the medium runners and pitted at the end of lap 1. I F'd the stop up by adding fuel to my car which dropped me 3 spots on the road. Managed to work my past Hat who seemed to have the widest car out on track and got by Jono after he made a mistake before making a meal of it trying to get by Razor. Once i'd redressed that Jono slipped back past before a slight brain fade on my part meant i took Jono out allowing Hat back past once i'd redressed to Jono.
    All those guys came in on lap 19 which at the time really surprised me. The car still felt solid and with some extra fuel i presume id saved from being in the battle pack decided to press on hoping fresher tyres at the end would buy me back in. Ended up getting to lap 26 before pitting which i though was solid fuel saving till i saw Bryan had done 33 laps and come out right behind Viper who i could see was struggling. Ended up getting by him pretty quick before pursuing the guys in front who'd built a 5 second gap. As the laps went on the gap was reducing by a couple of tenths per lap and i knew it would be a dogfight at the end. Sure enough around about lap 38 i'd caught Hat and Razor and Hat was once again making his Mazda as wide as he could to the point where i thought i wasn't going to get the move done. Eventually i managed to hold it round the outside of one which set me up to get him at 4 before getting Razor later on in the lap. Murph pitted for mediums which elevated me up to 7th which is where i ended up.

    I'm unsure whether i'll make round 2 as i'm running a car at SMP on Sunday and depending on the schedule will determine whether i make it or not. I'll let you guys know
  3. stucar17

    stucar17 Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Guys, just a very quick post to all divs with regards to protests.

    The stewards group finds it very hard to act on protests and driver standards without a replay. If you dont know how to save your replay please ask someone ! There are plenty of guys willing to help you.

    - At the end of your race, if you have an incident to show the stewards group please save your race and then record the incident and forward it to them, with a brief explanation of why you are protesting, and who it is against
    - If for some reason you cant get your replay and want something looked at, ask the room captain or another driver if they have a replay available, to access to incident you want looked at.
    - Even if a driver redresses an incident, you might like to save and send it on regardless. Particularly if that driver has a history of incidents
    - If you choose NOT to protest anything, or in fact, if you HAVE put in a protest, PLEASE do NOT make a fuss about it on the forum. Let the stewards group do its job, and then work out if you accept the decision or take it to appeal.

    Protests are something that need to be done right, as it holds all drivers to account, but also represents the integrity of the league in general. A high driving standard is something that ALL drivers should strive for.

    Mod Team
  4. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Round 2: Nürburgring 24h - 5 Laps - 20:30 - 2/8

    WELCOME to Season 12!!
    As always please take 2 mins to read the following so you have an understanding of what is expected on race night......If you have any questions, or want clarification on any of the rules or regulations please ask!

    ROOM OPEN : Most room captains will 'try' to have rooms open by about 7:50 AEST. Please be on time, or let the room captain or div thread if you may be late. If all agree, the room may wait for you, Within reason. Please remember we have drivers from NZ, and later starts mean a much later night for them.
    QUALIFYING : 8:20 AEST. This round will be ONE out lap and ONE timed lap, then park on the left of the T1 hairpin. If the room is up early, drivers can complete the qually lap 5 mins early as long as room Captains give the go ahead. This will give the field more time to be spread out and drivers who join later (but still on time for 8:20) can jump in and complete their qually lap. Qualifying will occur in practice mode.
    RACE START TIME : 8:30 AEST (once qualifying has finished)

    LAG ISSUES / ROOM RESTARTS : This is up to the room host/captains. If there is a Disconnection (or cars stuck on grid) at race start, it is sporting to try to get them back in, which may mean a new room to be set up. I always look at 1 or 2 starts if required due to DSC, but as it gets later everyone needs to be aware of getting things going. Please be as reasonable as you can with this....
    SIGHT ISSUES: Ensure that you can see everyone on track. Before qualifying, exit to lobby and spend 30 seconds in spectate mode, scroll through the list of drivers on track and make sure that you can see their car. If you can't see somebody (and they are confirmed as being on track), exit the lobby, re-join, and check again.

    FALSE START CHECK : Please note that the start type is Grid Start with False Start Check
    Please practice this so you know what to expect. Simply, you hold the brakes on until the lights go from all lit, to none lit

    TURN 1 LAP 1 : This has the potential to ruin someones night if we don't use our heads! Should be everyone's goal to get through the first phase with ZERO contact. Give room and run in your 'lane' till you have space to run the normal race line. If your unassisted tap causes someone to spin, you need to redress.

    TRACK LIMITS : As we are running with 'track limit penalties" OFF, we will run with our usual Raceonoz track limit regulations. This means you MUST have at least 2 wheels on the ripple strip OR white line that defines the track limit. If you do make a mistake and have to run outside the limits, be aware that you are not allowed to gain any advantage.

    CONTACT : Is to be avoided at all times..... If you rear end someone and gain an advantage, YOU ARE EXPECTED to give the spot back. Side by side 'rubbing' is racing, within reason, but all drivers are expected to give racing room.
    If you bump someone and they end up off track or teleport back to the corner entry, you must wait for them to rejoin and get back up to speed.
    Show each other RESPECT! It is difficult enough to drive the car at the limit on your own, without someone squeezing you within a millimeter of the grass.
    So be patient and show respect to your fellow drivers.
    If you are redressing contact, please do so out of the way of other cars, off the racing line, or if there isn't much room, off track.

    TYRES : Sports Mediums (mandatory) & Sports Softs

    Please make an attempt to use the pit entry / exit lines. Failure to do so, where an incident/impede is caused, will have consequences
    PIT EXIT :
    Please use the pit exit lane and be aware of cars approaching out of T1.

    BLUE FLAGS : Please observe blue flags, and move out of the way of faster cars if you are being lapped. Failure to observe blue flags WILL result in a penalty

    STEWARDS GROUP AND RACE PROTESTS : This season the stewards will be will be @JonoStan96 @Viperzed & @emmo46. If you have reason to protest, please SAVE YOUR REPLAY, and then let them know via a PM.
    DO NOT BLOW UP IN THE FORUM OR IN THE ROOM CHAT. There have been multiple incidents where the replays from drivers have been different, so its true that sometimes things are not as black and white as they may seem. You have until MIDNIGHT, Monday night to register your protest via PM. Stewards will ask for video evidence from both drivers or room captain to make any decision.

    SAVE YOUR REPLAY : If the room host can ask all drivers to save their replay would be good before exiting the room.....once they exit out and the option goes, it cant be retrieved!

    PARTY CHAT : With the new party chat feature able to hold up to 16 participants, each division will have an open party chat for those that wish to use it. We recommend this especially to new drivers as they may ask questions about how the night is run or to clarify anything they are not confident on.

    PARKING UP : If you are unable to continue to race, please enter the pits and leave your game paused without selecting tyres (or no tyres) so that your car stays parked in the pits. Parking up off track activates yellow flags in the sector, and even though penalties are off, we have reports of penalties occurring for passes happening near the parked car.

    FINAL NOTE: Could all drivers please confirm their attendance for this Sunday by 'liking' this post in your division. If you are unable to attend, please post in reply as much in your division. This way we can figure out our reserves or if the room can start early in advance.
    Apex_64, groover33, Viperzed and 4 others like this.
  5. xlxy90

    xlxy90 Professional

    PSN ID
    I'll be out again for this one Hat.
  6. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    hopefully the shoulder heals soon
  7. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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  8. stucar17

    stucar17 Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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  9. Mightymurph51

    Mightymurph51 Rookie

    I'm sorry guys, I just cracked the :poop:. That was the most stupidest thing I've ever done.
  10. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    better luck next week
  11. Viperzed

    Viperzed GT7 League Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Nice to have grabbed another podium tonight behind the Aliens. Qualified a little off my PB but enough to pinch P4, 6 tenths behind @CaptainRisky21 who held station on the first lap until a mistake on lap 2. I managed fuel as @MINT_GTR and @KeedenMcdonald ran into the sunset and made my gains in the pits whilst maintaining pace. Had a scare at carousel that ultimately allowed Risky past me on lap 4 on the back straight only for my decent fuel save to put me back ahead for the final medium stint and secure the podium.

    Shoutout to @razor4797 for a brilliant drive from dead last to finish P5!
    MINT_GTR, Apex_64, razor4797 and 4 others like this.
  12. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID

    13th Kev 49:03.838
    14th Murph RQ

    kev 9:32.168
    murph N/A
  13. Russell

    Russell Professional

    PSN ID
    Razor stuffed up he qualifying run and then 100 percent rammed me on purpose on my qualifying lap. He had no right to insult me on the live chat for what ever reason he thinks is acceptable. I then had the same little Weasel Viperzed decided to throw his usual rude unwarranted condescending remarks. I have done nothing wrong but abide by the rules. This is completely unacceptable. They are not above the rules, it's clear they think they are. The constant rude insults from the same 4 including xly viperzed razor and risky is beyond a joke how they are left unchecked and boarder line encouraged to keep up the disgusting behaviour. I should not be subjected to this kind of behaviour. Even Hatfield has been known to join in, singling me out calling me and me only insulting names on there broadcast. I understand it's there channle and they can do what they want. But some needs to be help accountable. I will not be surprised if no action is taken as usual. I don't think Viperzed is fit to wipe his ass little own be a racing Stewart.
    Well done Keeden
    Apex_64 likes this.
  14. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    FYI I defended you. Qualifying is up to the driver behind to find space for their lap

    The stream name of small blended cat was a play on big chopper dog, and I meant no insult by this. If you do not wish me to use it, then I will refrain from doing so and apologise.
  15. Russell

    Russell Professional

    PSN ID
    I changed my name to big Chop because he doesn't have long left. I wanted to race in his name. Not here him get insulted be children
  16. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    apologies. When referring to you on stream, as well as using bigchopperdog can I use variations of bigchopperdog? ie chop/chopper, chopperdog etc

    Hope the time he has left are happy times with you.
    Apex_64 likes this.
  17. seth123

    seth123 Professional

    PSN ID
    Just because you can’t see discipline, doesn’t mean there’s isn’t any
    It may seem like there isn’t but Stu monitors and keeps people in line fairly often
  18. Apex_64

    Apex_64 Professional

    PSN ID
    Discipline coming from Stu is not visible to most at times. His intervention to provide discipline to the forum really should not be required, and it also reflects badly on us, that a disciplinarian is required.
    The discipline should come from us. Too many feelings are being hurt.
    This should be a line in the sand moment.
    We should all make a commitment to be disciplined and respect each other on the forum, in the chat, and on the track, from this point on.

    P,S. Congrats to Keeden, Mint & Viper, your lap times rattled me.
    I drove a crap race littered with mistakes, but OMFG that car was fun and rewarding at times to drive around the Nurb.
  19. CaptainRisky21

    CaptainRisky21 World Champion Gold Member

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    Save it for a pm with the involved parties russel
  20. seth123

    seth123 Professional

    PSN ID
    TLDR; something be nice this post goes nowhere maybe contribute in that PM everyone ignored?

    Nurburgring is amazing