GT-Sport [Cancelled] 2020 RaceOnOz World Endurance Tour (W.E.T)

Discussion in 'Community Events' started by JonoStan96, Jan 6, 2020.

  1. JonoStan96

    JonoStan96 Legend Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    JonoStan96 (J.Stankowski)

    Guess what’s back? Back again? WET is back, tell a friend! The ultimate test of man and machine. Without staying power, speed is nothing. Strategy is as important as speed. Be patient and aim for the win! 2020’s new look season will feature 11 endurance races, once per month, for the ultimate racing package.

    These races can be raced in 2 different ways:
    Lone Wolf: Race the distance entirely on your own with no time for a toilet break or any other interruptions. Not for the faint hearted.
    Local Team (Recommended): Race with 1 or 2 other drivers on the same rig. Perfect for those who may struggle driving long distances and overall a whole lot more fun.

    Key Information:
    While the 2020 WET is 11 rounds long, the big prize is the GT3 Championship, decided over 7 rounds of 3 Hour events and one special enduro. The other events are treated as seperate entities with open car selection if applicable.

    GT3 Championship:
    You and a comrade have been tasked to lead your manufacturer to World Championship glory. You against 10 other motoring giants, have you got what it takes to take your team to the top?

    Calendar (20:00 AEST Race Starts for 3 Hour Events)
    22nd of February: 3 Heures du St Croix (GT3)
    18th of April: Stars And Stripes (GT3)
    9th of May: Roadster 2 Hour

    23rd of May: 3 Hours of Monza (GT3)
    13th of June: Nürburgring 3 Hours (GT3)

    27th of June: Blue Moon 600 (GT3)*
    25th of July: Bathurst 3 Hour (GT3)

    29th of August: 3 Heures du Mans (908 vs R18)
    26th of September: Rasse der Dunkelheit (GT3)
    17th of October: London 3 Hour (GT3)

    21st of November: 2 Stunden von Spielberg (LM55)
    12th of December: 3 Hours of Spa (GT3)
    *non championship round

    Handicaps and Attendance Ratings:
    The Divisional Weight ballasts return, offering lesser skilled drivers more opportunities to fight up the front while also not severely compromising the car performance of the elite drivers. This year will see more variation in weight divisions. Each driver will be ranked from E to S based on their overall skill.
    You will also be allocated an attendance rating based on how many events you show up for and complete. Rage quits, no shows, failures to qualify, qualifying but not submitting a lap time and/or qualifying then not showing up will harm this rating. If you manage to fall below an E attendance rating, a driver will be allowed to occupy your car and initiate a driver swap. This is not negotiable.
    Pairings will utilise handicaps in favour of the slower driver to compensate for rig unfamiliarity.

    Your GT3 liveries must at the very least showcase the manufacturer of representation. The rest is all up to you, however you must have the RaceOnOz logo present on the car’s roof above the window decal (CLEARLY VISIBLE), and 2 of Captain Risky’s number boards. First offence will carry a warning, further offences will carry time penalties and eventually disqualification. The black Gran Turismo window decal is preffered (where applicable). Variations in area placement are unacceptable.
    Non GT3 liveries must adhere to the same criteria but don’t have to have manufacturer backing.
    Orange RaceOnOz Logo:
    Red RaceOnOz Logo:

    Colourable RaceOnOz Word:
    Number Board:


    Stint Rules:
    Local teams must share the driving load to maintain fairness. In a 2 driver team, a driver must not spend more than 2 hours in the car, and in a 3 driver team, a driver not must spend more than 90 mins in the car.

    Balance of Performance:
    A reduction to 10 cars will see a much closer BOP due to the significant reduction in spread workload. All efforts to ensure the closest possible race will be taken. “I have a nerf hammer and I’m not afraid to use it.”
    Your key details will be located in the entry list. It will have your name, number, car, division, and most importantly, you power and weight displayed with your handicap applied. An example is below:
    E. Name (Number) - - - - - - - - - - - - (Car) (H&A) (Power) (Weight)
    1. SpeedRacer (J. Citizen) #007 - - - - - - - - - Daihatsu Midget II (B/S) (31bhp) (579kg) (100% 98%)

    Handicap Ballasts:
    S: 0%
    A+: -1% weight
    A: -2% weight

    A-: -3% weight
    B: -4% weight
    C: -6% weight
    D: +1% power, -8% weight
    E: +2% power, -10% weight

    New! Joker Car:
    New for this season is the addition of a special 11th car. Each event will have a random car available, BOP’d for the event. Each driver has the option to use this at least once during the season. Joker Cars will only be revealed upon request via PM, and you have the option to keep your car or use the Joker Car. Be warned, you can only request a Joker Car once per event. Even if you do not accept the Joker Car, you cannot ask for it again until you COMPLETE a further 2 races. Joker Car availability will be announced before Q1. You cannot reserve a request. You can only request once it is announced as such. The Joker will still score points for their original Manufacturer.

    There will be 2 sessions in the week leading up to race day one on Saturday, and one on Monday, Both sessions will be 40 minutes in length. For example, if you choose to participate in the Saturday session in full, you CANNOT enter another session. If you only use 20 mins of session time, you may use the other 20 mins in the other session. In the GT3 Championship, the top 15 drivers will qualify for the race, those who failed to qualify will act as reserves. Teams must confirm their driver lineup before the first session.
    Session Types:
    1. 40 min best lap session.
    3. 40 min best lap session with Top 5 Shootout.
    Session type will be determined in the pre race Driver's Briefing.

    Top 5 Shootout:
    The Top 5 Shootout is used in special events on race day. The top 5 qualifiers will head out one by one in reverse order for a shot at pole. If you fail to attend the shootout, you will be demoted to 5th, and so on if there are multiple misses (based on original qualifying order.)

    Last Chance Saloon:
    It’s back and going to run a little differently. If you for whatever reason cannot make any of the qualifying sessions but still wish to race, you may still submit a time in a condensed private session. This is limited to 12 minutes. The run must be accompanied by an adjudicator, who can proof check your lap. If no one is available, as a last resort, you can submit a lap and upload your full 12 minute run to youtube. You must provide evidence it was your only attempt, and your car was running at the correct specifications. You must not splice your run and edit a faster lap in, or else you will be disqualified and face a possible race ban. Runs submitted on the day of the race will be ignored. Below is an example run:

    Red Flags and Room Resets:

    Should the room crash during the race, or there are multiple disconnections in quick succession e.g: 2 or more in a 2 lap window (track dependant) there will be multiple methods for resumption. The race will be resumed in the order the lap prior to which the race was stopped. Lapped cars will not get their lap back. Those who disconnect must rejoin as soon as possible but if they are the only disconnection, the race will not be restarted after 30 minutes of racing. Disconnections will be treated as mechanical failures. If a driver causes 2 room resets due to not being able to see other cars, you will not be permitted to race. The methods are as follows:
    Less/More than 15 mins run: Race resumed at 20:00 with Laps based on leader's average pace.
    More than 30 mins run: Race resumed at 20:30 with 2 hours on the clock.
    More than 60 mins run: Race resumed at 21:00 with 90 mins on the clock.
    More than 90 mins run: Race resumed at 21:30 with 60 mins on the clock.
    More than 2 hours run: Race resumed at 22:00 with 30 mins on the clock.
    More than 2.5 hours run: Race resumed ASAP with 10 mins on the clock.
    Less than 10 mins left: Race declared as of previous lap. Please record your footage to determine race position.
    If there are 3 Red Flags, the result will be declared.
    Less than 25% distance: No result, race rescheduled.
    Less than 50% distance: Half points awarded.
    More than 50% distance: Full points awarded.

    BOP Checks:
    While it is the room host’s responsibility to check the BOP of each entrant, it is up to you to ensure that you have the correct BOP applied before qualifying or racing. Qualifying with an underpowered and/or overweight car will not entitle you extra lap time to compensate. The room host does have his own race to focus on. Repeated ignorance of the OP will not be tolerated. If you cannot spend 30 seconds opening up this page and checking your power and weight, your hand will no longer be held. Post race checks will be made mandatory from Round 3 onwards. You will not be permitted to exit the circuit or enter the settings screen until the room host gives you the all clear. Running a car that is overpowered or underweight vs the OP will result in an instant disqualification. No exceptions.

    Lobby Settings:

    Conditions of Entry:
    Everyone is welcome to participate in these races, however if you sign up you will be expected to make a full season long commitment. Driver Pairings can vary but drivers will be scored individually. Teams must confirm their driver lineup before Q1. Should a local team end up only using one driver, they will face ballast reevaluation depending on who is driving. Paired teams can occupy 2 cars at the same time should they end up racing separately, however they cannot swap back and forth once they team up. E.G if you use a Mitsubishi as a team, you must use a Mitsubishi for every race as a team after that. Tuning is available.

    Rage quits will result in an instant drop in attendance rating and 0 points. DSC’s past the halfway mark are eligible for points.

    Car List: (2 of each)
    Alfa Romeo 4C
    Chevrolet Corvette
    Nissan GT-R
    Jaguar F-Type
    Volkswagen Beetle
    Mitsubishi Lancer
    Subaru WRX
    Porsche 911
    McLaren 650S
    Ford Mustang
    Mercedes-Benz AMG

    Handicap Ballasts:
    S: 0%
    A+: -1% weight
    A: -2% weight
    A-: -3% weight
    B: -4% weight
    C: -6% weight
    D: +1% power, -8% weight
    E: +2% power, -10% weight

    Entry List:
    Team Alfa Romeo: (107% 103
    1. Captain Risky #32 (A+/B) (107% 102%) (J)
    2. Xerxes #44 (A/B) (107% 101%) (J)

    Team Chevrolet: (102% 101
    1. BigKev #87 (A-/A) (102% 98%) (J)
    2. SpeedyTyres #41 (B/A) (102% 97%) (J)

    Team Nissan: (107% 101%)
    1. Bluexephos #1 (A+/A) (107% 100%)
    2. Vardz #99 (E/D) (109% 91%) (J)

    Team Jaguar: (102% 105%)
    1. Xlxy90 #15 (A/A) (102% 103%) (J)
    2. Noremac #7 (A/A) (102% 103%) (J)

    Team Volkswagen: (92% 111%)
    1. Jono #96 (S/A) (92% 111%)
    2. StigsTC #31 (S/B) (92% 111%) (J)

    Team Mitsubishi: (107% 103%)
    1. Max Gassit #28 (C/D) (107% 97%) (J)
    2. Randm #22 (C/C) (107% 97%)

    Team Subaru: (108
    % 105%)
    1. Razor #47 (A+/A) (108% 104%) (J)
    2. Kieran #76 (E/A) (110% 95%) (J)

    Team Porsche: (105
    % 106%)
    1. Mint #8 (S/A) (105% 106%) (J)
    2. NemoIXn #9 (C/C) (105% 100%) (J)

    Team McLaren: (109% 106%)
    1. Keeden #3 (S/A) (109% 106%) (J)
    2. Noxrai #84 (C/B) (109% 100%) (J)

    Team Ford: (107% 102%)
    1. Viperzed #56 (A+/S) (107% 101%) (J)
    2. Littleblacko #14 (B/B) (107% 98%) (J)

    Team Mercedes Benz (92% 100%)
    1. Seth #24 (A-/C) (92% 97%) (J)
    2. Zachery #92 (C/D) (92% 94%) (J)

    Bananajosh #69 (B/F)
    Motors #25 (A/C)
    Mustafur #47 (B/D)
    ART Phillips #46 (A+/C)
    J = Joker Token Available
    Livery Sanction Warning
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2020
  2. CaptainRisky21

    CaptainRisky21 World Champion Gold Member

    PSN ID
  3. Dermott Brereton

    Dermott Brereton Rookie

    PSN ID
  4. bluexephos22

    bluexephos22 Rookie

    PSN ID
    Interesting car list to say the least
    StigsTC likes this.
  5. StigsTC

    StigsTC Professional

    PSN ID
    I prefer, controversial... lol.
    Reigning champ can't defend title.
    Blunty075 likes this.
  6. Toranafan-02

    Toranafan-02 Team Driver

    PSN ID
    SIR_Tyson_02 PS4. deadman024 PS3.
    It's pissing me off, we need to get poorer and stupider
  7. bluexephos22

    bluexephos22 Rookie

    PSN ID
    I can defend my GT300 win at Suzuka at least

    StigsTC likes this.
  8. Viperzed

    Viperzed GT7 League Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    There's 30+ Gr3 cars in the game. To miss out on one is not exactly a travesty lol. 10 cars should make the bop much tighter as well as eliminate any complete outliers. Keen keen and keen
    Noremac likes this.
  9. bluexephos22

    bluexephos22 Rookie

    PSN ID
    I don't really care that the M6 got left out, it's more so the cars chosen are a bit oddball considering the scope of the class and the potential other candidates for the car list.
  10. StigsTC

    StigsTC Professional

    PSN ID
    While I agree that fewer cars is absolutely better, some of the chosen cars have characteristics that make lap time and battle capability all but impossible to line up.
  11. Viperzed

    Viperzed GT7 League Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    There are some absolute quality cars left off the list but with a series that only has 10 cars means that there's bound to be some great cars we lose. Aston, M6, R8 all great cars but loses had to be made.
    I never thought an Alfa, a 650s, GTR and Mustang would line up either but Bathurst proved that wrong.
  12. xlxy90

    xlxy90 Professional

    PSN ID
    I hope you all realise that this is Jönos series. He thinks that the cars chosen represent the best cars available for racing.
    Kephin_07 likes this.
  13. StigsTC

    StigsTC Professional

    PSN ID
    Anyone can have an opinion.
    Until you back it up with facts that doesn't make it right.
  14. CaptainRisky21

    CaptainRisky21 World Champion Gold Member

    PSN ID
    You've got a point if we take out all of the battles that these 10 cars had together last season. BoP much tighter because less cars, more refined season, pumped
  15. Dermott Brereton

    Dermott Brereton Rookie

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  16. xlxy90

    xlxy90 Professional

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    What facts?
  17. bluexephos22

    bluexephos22 Rookie

    PSN ID
    Well I've been in series that ran a fraction of the cars that this series is gonna run this year and have seen and enjoyed some stellar racing. The Subaru? I'm sure it had some great battles in all the two races it did. I'm sure @StigsTC can testify that lol
  18. CaptainRisky21

    CaptainRisky21 World Champion Gold Member

    PSN ID
    WeLl I'vE bEeN iN sErIeS tHaT rAn A fRaCtIoN oF tHe CaRs... are you racing or not
  19. bluexephos22

    bluexephos22 Rookie

    PSN ID
    Viperzed likes this.
  20. Viperzed

    Viperzed GT7 League Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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