Season 17: No Halo's Here!!

Discussion in 'ACLOZ Past Seasons' started by Anon666, Oct 11, 2018.

  1. tezpez85

    tezpez85 Professional Gold Member

    Alas, will miss this weeks round too :( Be back next week!
  2. mesafto

    mesafto Rookie

    'Yeah... Nah' (haha) I had a few sprints before season started. Didn't connect with car. :( I'll wait till next season
  3. marty

    marty AC Server Legend

    Didn't think I would make the distance, tried to repair gearbox first stop which took for ever but then didn't repair the gearbox only engine. Then it was bright orange with about 25 laps to go, went for a second stop and gearbox blew on pit entry so that's that. Oh well really have no idea how to avoid destroying the gearbox in this thing so will be happy to finish a race at some point.
  4. Parkour

    Parkour New Recruit

    Bad luck Marty, try switching to padel shift maybe?
  5. Rolz

    Rolz ACC Nutter Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 10, 2018
    c4rLo5 likes this.
  6. marty

    marty AC Server Legend

    No point changing now, my season is already done with only 1 race finished properly. I was kind of amazed to get as far as I did but most gearbox damage was on the 2 pit entries. The thing just auto locks rears in pit lane and I don't think there is any way of shifting when it does this. Any grinding in neutral massively damages both engine and gearbox. I only missed 3 gears in the race all last turn with 1 grass trip, one full spin and the other hitting the bank in neutral as it was not slowing at all. :oops: The others 2 that did most damage were pit entry as I never found a gear in race or any of my practice stops. :rolleyes:

    Well done @andyo450 on the win here, defiantly not a track that favoured the Lotus both down on pace and the smaller fuel tank meant the stop/s were also going to be slower. Congrats to @Parkour and @jlynn777 for the podium spots.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2018
  7. Bogor

    Bogor Team Driver

    Well done @andy0450, @Parkour and @jlynn777 for the podiums.
    I was disappointed in my race.
    I qualified 7th so was on the 3rd row. Had an OK start, dropped a couple of place but incident free. Usually I put too much wheel spin in and vear left, this time no wheel spin but a slow start.
    I started to find my groove, was in for 40 laps on the Hards before pit.
    I had a few good battles, however found it difficult to be too close. I am just not used to passing, usually being passed.
    Unfortunately I did not brake early enough while behind @Rolz on turn three and gave him a tap and put him off. I think you were with @Parkour at the time. So sorry for the tap. I then just got back onto trying to be consistent. Hit a curb at some stage and went off without hitting anything, just lost a bunch of time.
    Came around the last corner on whatever lap it was and @annon666 had spun and while trying to avoid him I spun and smacked the wall very hard. Broken everything I just pitted and lost a lap.
    Still a very fun race, the concentration over 64 laps is crazy and the speed of these things in draft was awesome yet scary.
    Happy with P7, finally getting into some mid pack battles, I just need more experience with door to door racing.
    Bring on next week!!!
    Parkour, c4rLo5, andyo450 and 2 others like this.
  8. Rolz

    Rolz ACC Nutter Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    WD @andyo450 on the win and @Parkour and @jlynn777 for the podiums!

    Mixed evening, had the pace but couldn't deliver in the race
    Strategy was load up with as much fuel as possible and just drive, a few love taps here and there and some silly mistakes on my part damaged the aero enough to have me a second slower than my full tank testing during the week...

    I did have some top battles (@c4rLo5 the 5 or so laps we had was awesome) and in the end was surprised to finish were I did...

    Zolder sprint server is up and will put race distance up later on tonight.
    Track info in first post and please confirm all is ok with server or I'll confirm when I get home tonight :thumbsup:
    krunch, tezpez85, andyo450 and 3 others like this.
  9. jlynn777

    jlynn777 Team Driver

    Bradbury strikes again!!
    After last week when nothing went right (except for the circuit direction), Monza was a very unexpected result. Especially at the end when I seemed to be lapping like 1 second slower than everyone...any longer and @Rolz would have flown past.
    That was probably the hardest race I've done despite the lack of cornerage. Very happy to get my second proper podium :x3:
    Had a fun battle with @marty in the first half of the race..he was miles faster but kept trying to drift the last corner.
    Then had another one with @Parkour who again was much faster and inevitably buggered off once he was bored with me.
    Well done @andyo450 it looked like Parkour was homing in at the end there.
    Bad luck @Bogor you have great pace :)
    krunch, tezpez85, Parkour and 4 others like this.
  10. andyo450

    andyo450 Team Driver Super ROOZ

    Whew that was a long race. Well done @Parkour and @jlynn777. Second podium of the season jlynn, nice work. Great drive Parkour after a bit of a bad getaway. You were much closer than i expected in the end.

    I thought 3rd was probably the best i could hope for. @Rolz and Parkour were a bit too quick to beat in a straight fight.

    Quallifying was really important for me. I knew i had to get a front row start to have a chance. I got pretty much everything i could out of it and ended up 3rd. Pretty happy with that.

    I got a great start and managed to pull a bit of gap to marty and jlynn. Rols and Parkour didnt get the greatest of starts so i tried to put in some good laps. Godzilla caught up pretty quick. I figured he was lower on fuel so there wasnt much point in fighting him.
    I stopped for softs and 30l of fuel at the end of L25. Had a few guys to overtake but thats not much of a problem at monza. Stopped on L43 for the same again. I came out 4.5 sec ahead of parkour. I expected him to slowly gain on me in the last stint but to my surprise i started to pull away ever so slightly. I was able to keep the laptimes pretty consistent untill the end and came away with the win so i was pretty stoked.

    That was good fun. There was a bit of room to play with strategy. I was undecided on a one or two stopper even at the start of the race.
    It also showed the strengths and weaknesses of each car off. It was ridiculous how much faster the lotus was in the first stint even with a full tank. The Fezzas made it back with a shorter fill time in the stops.

    Zolder next eh? Should be fun.
    krunch, tezpez85, Parkour and 5 others like this.
  11. Godzilla

    Godzilla Team Driver

    Well done @andyo450 @Parkour and @jlynn777
    Not the result I was hoping for, last few races have been a bit average for me. The start was pretty good (barring the nudge to @Rolz sorry again mate), was pretty important to get out front and in clear air to make the most of my strategy which I managed to pull off and had decent pace. all was going well until the second stop where just before the pit box I realized I hadn't yet changed the stop strategy back to soft tires, managed to change it but stopped short of the pit box and lost a good bit of time. Came out just in front of Rolz and was starting to settle in to the last stint hoping to catch jlynn for third but had a brain fade and hit a wall, wasn't a fast impact but still broke the suspension so had to pit, went a lap down by the time the car was fixed.
    Very disappointing overall as this track favored the Ferrari a bit. Now to put in about a million laps for the next race and try not to throw it away... lol
    krunch, marty, tezpez85 and 3 others like this.
  12. Godzilla

    Godzilla Team Driver

    Looks like Zolder is not showing up in the time tracking? There was a few laps done yesterday but servers are still showing monza
  13. Rolz

    Rolz ACC Nutter Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    Will do weekly bounce and start all stracker instances again fresh :)
    Godzilla likes this.
  14. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
  15. tezpez85

    tezpez85 Professional Gold Member

    Probably will miss round 5 too, will be back for round 6 :thumbsdown:
  16. krunch

    krunch ACC Server Legend Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    @KoAStR No points for me for Monza as I bailed out of the race early - should be a DNF.
  17. marty

    marty AC Server Legend

    Sorry guys I will have to miss this round, I just got home and only did a few laps on the track one night and still barely know it so best to avoid jumping into qualy and just get in the way.
  18. Rolz

    Rolz ACC Nutter Team Raceonoz Gold Member

  19. Rolz

    Rolz ACC Nutter Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    Contrats again to @andyo450 for the win and bravo to @jlynn777 for the 2nd!! 2 podiums in 2 weeks!! Nice work!! Of course @Godzilla for the other podium, also well done!! :) The battle for 2nd in championship will be a nail-biter :D

    This track was a real struggle for me, was off pace so just hoped to keep it consistent.
    Q1 - just glad to be top 5... I really couldn't master T1 or T7 as I noticed this was were I'd lose most of my time compared to the others.
    R1 - Again, head down, bum up and pray for no silly mistakes! Was glad I did so many practice laps on the hards... even if I was only going to be on them for 10-12 laps I wanted to be sure I was used to them... all went well stayed on the track and made it to pits... good stop and really was only because @TheStig13 had a shocker that I was able to make a position up on qual... again pretty stoked to finish 4th on a track that I really struggled with and couldn't find any pace with.

    Will have to load new server when I get home tonight... can't connect into my home PC from the office for some reason this morning...
    krunch, andyo450, Godzilla and 4 others like this.
  20. jlynn777

    jlynn777 Team Driver

    Wow, still can't believe that race! Kind of feels like a victory ;)
    Did a PB in qualy and was happy with 4th. Interestingly I had the @TheStig13 ahead and whenever I hear 'Zolder Circuit' I think of The Stig/James May beating the Germans in that Top Gear episode - I'm not German but we all know how quickly he gets up to speed without any prac so I wasn't confident. Some say...
    Despite this, I was hopeful he would be less comfortable with a heavy car than I was as I did a lot of laps on hards and full fuel.
    So I hung around the outside of T1 and he gave me plenty of room and then I was just going to push to try get a gap before he starts going warp speed. I knew that starting on the hards with the 2 cars in front on the softs, I was in a good position for a podium now. Low and behold he caught right up and I was having a real messy lap from the pressure, knowing this was the podium slipping out of my clammy grip. I could see he was waiting for the right moment to pounce, unfortunately I think he took the Kleine Chicken too aggressively and went into a spin on the other side - taking a huge weight off my shoulders.
    Then I just had to keep an eye on the times of the guys behind, and then decide when to pit.
    Originally I was going to pit lap 7 but decided I could afford to play it safe and went in lap 10 or 11 I think.
    Not much happened up until 22 or so when all of a sudden, @Godzilla was only 10ish seconds up the road when he appeared from the pits on hards :sneaky:
    Managed to close the gap but it was still 1.2 seconds on the final lap but I had a bit of a gap to @Rolz so I thought I may as well keep pushing.
    After the second chicken set I was right on him, then he went deep into Bolderberghaarspeld (T8) I got too good of an exit and had to back out of the throttle. Then I got a surprisingly good slipstream and was on the edge of sending one up the inside for the final chicken. I thought otherwise as it's pretty tight through there and hope I might be able to compromise his entry and exit instead....but he went deep again and allowed me to swoop past to take second. Back luck there mate but wow that was cool for me! First second place in a normal round :D
    Of course congratulations on another victory @andyo450 but don't you get tired of winning? ;)
    Thanks for the racing everyone!
    krunch, Godzilla, andyo450 and 4 others like this.