Season 9: Race On...RaceOnOz!!

Discussion in 'ACLOZ Past Seasons' started by Anon666, Oct 16, 2016.

  1. R0T0R-AU86

    R0T0R-AU86 Team Driver

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    Regardless for me, the way I see it! IF a div 2 driver is quick enough to hold me up, I congratulate them and not put them down saying they should get out of the way, and they are simply doing a good job of keeping me behind... As a Div 1 driver, I earn my 'Div 1' status by getting by as quick and smooth as I can..... I understand their is some frustration with it, but I really enjoy having the 2 divs together... It makes for a bigger field and its extremely fun coming from the back, with mostly clean racing with a rub or two, which rubbing is racing lads! (keep calm Anon :p) Since going VR, I don't know who is who, only way I can tell is by looking at the gap distance down at my bottom of my lap which I don't do when I'm wheel to wheel.

    In terms of 'getting out of the way' as such this should ONLY be done with the leader's are coming around to lap, just be smart about where you place your car (off the racing line) and think where you will make less impact when they are racing for the win, If you don't it can completely undo their hard work of practice that week. This goes also for Qualifying... If your not on a hot lap or you have binned it, just move to the side and wait and look for a gap for your next hot lap. I can't count the amount of times my hot laps have been ruined from this, however I just suck it up and go again.

    I don't believe we should be making "L" or "P"s for drivers... Common guys, we are meant to be the best in Australia... If you NEED something like this then put the "P" on Div 1 for "Pro" and the A on Div 2 for "Amateur" IF it needs to be done....

    Gent's in the end we are all one team, racing is racing... and there is still common curtesy and we all need to obey ROOZ rules!
    krunch, spita84, Zachery and 5 others like this.
  2. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Maybe you need to switch to the 1/1B approach?
    All drivers score point in div 1, but only B drivers score for 1B

    div 2 guys shouldn't have to move over like a lapped car if racing for position

    Also, I think the L is funny and can be used as motivation to drive faster and get into div 1
    krunch and Spidey_11 like this.
  3. Peter Wise

    Peter Wise Professional

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    copperj32. Steam: copperj32
    As a Div 2 driver (and a slow one at that), If i see someone is catching me quickly i will move out of the way when safe to do so but as Rotor said you have earned your status by being quick, clean and smooth and if you are that good then there should be no reason for me to yield just because you are fighting your way back through the field.
    These small tracks are awesome fun in this car and provide great racing and it definitely makes me try harder to keep up with the faster guys
    I do like the P for Pro and A for Amatuer idea though (Better than L plates :()
    krunch, Spidey_11 and R0T0R-AU86 like this.
  4. R0T0R-AU86

    R0T0R-AU86 Team Driver

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    Thinking more about it, I think the "Div 1/Div 2" should be scrapped... Have one championship table then mini table within, PRO, PROAM and AM... To make a PRO, either make a qualifying within a time set by the leader with the season's car (and a strict one at that) within a time frame (say 1 second), PROAM missing that window (within 2seconds of PRO) and AM outside 2 seconds. This can easily be monitor with Meal's awesome servers! We need to get rid of the bad negativity of "Div 1" and "Div 2" it makes us look bad as a sim racing community...
    krunch, skywalker, Spidey_11 and 3 others like this.
  5. Rolz

    Rolz ACC Nutter Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    I agree with R0T0R... we probably don't have the huge numbers that the console games have to need to classify into div's... I'd rather we stuff as many drivers on a track as OSRW lets us and let the racing talk... sure there might be some newbies that might cause some dramas initially (but we were all there at one stage). :D
  6. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Wow didn't think this would be so controversial. It was just an attempt to lighten things up.

    Nor is it meant to be a signal for a free pass, just a visual cue to help guys pick their battles.

    How about no letter then just the yellow plate... but seriously then its all just semantics. Either way it's just a clear identifier of which championship each car is competing for.

    I agree that if we are all in one server and the same car it makes little sense to differentiate with 'divisions'.. but it was set up that way based on starting numbers being larger than one server. But where numbers require it I don't see any negative connotations in the Divisional branding.

    It is no all amount of work to change that mod season especially only to find numbers pick up and it has to be undone. Nor was doing the skin varianta for that matter especially by the time previews etc were generated.

    So it is critical that if you sign up at the beginning of the season you actually commit to turning up! At this late stage the results tables will not be merged.
    krunch, ed40t and Rolz like this.
  7. Rolz

    Rolz ACC Nutter Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    KoAStR and the rest of the ROOZ AC Admin team,you do a kick arse job and I'm certainly hugely thankful for it!! :thumbsup:
    I didn't intent to get stuff changed now, more conversation pieces for the future.
    and yes I have been a slack arse this season not showing up... sand in the ♫♪♫ takes some time to remove ;)
  8. R0T0R-AU86

    R0T0R-AU86 Team Driver

    PSN ID
    Next season @KoAStR Next season! :)

    PRO, PROAM and AM "class"- Idea of this, happy to take this out the back with my awesome idea! But maybe 1 week before the season starts we could even do a 'LIVE' time trail's EVERYONE is on track or doesn't have to be and setting your time in the season car - 1 second from leaders PRO, over 1 Second PROAM and over 2 AM and you get a race distance time to do it, this includes tuning, so 45mins. One table, me thinks that would be awesome! :D

    Like I have mentioned to the MODS here before I am happy and willing to help out, however never get asked to!
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2016
    krunch, ed40t, Peter Wise and 2 others like this.
  9. Anon666

    Anon666 Destitute Gentleman Driver Team Raceonoz Super ROOZ

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    I'm super excited to see all the activity here. We may not have big numbers, but we got passionate drivers. I like the different paint schemes and had a giggle at the L plates, tbh I think some of us Div 1 drivers need them after performances this season...looking at you Anon!! Oh wait, that's me?!?! The divisions will stay, but we can go back to calling them Pro, ProAm, etc as we did in earlier seasons, but we have enough of a split in driver times to warrant separate divisions.

    I doubt we will have a big boost in no.s for the final 2 rounds so we will all remain in the one room at this stage. I drive to race, and have done that with div 1 and 2 drivers the last 2 rounds without a problem and had a ball. There will be problems and it is doubly frustrating when it's someone you aren't technically racing for points, but look at Le Mans, how many proto's have been scuppered by GT cars, it's racing and we all want something that is realistic.

    The last round was a bit of a mess because we still haven't decided on a solid set of rules for the sprint rounds. That is on me, so I will sort it out and get something to you guys once the mod's have vetted it. I loved a mixed grid and the challenges that creates, but a low power car and a small, obscure track might not have been the combo to do that??

    Big thanks to @KoAStR for sorting the paint schemes and let's just hope he has used some heavy-arsed metallic lead gold paint on his car so we have a chance of catching him next week.
    krunch, ed40t, Spidey_11 and 2 others like this.
  10. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Thanks mate agreed (except the lead paint). A giggle was the desired response! I like the mixed grid too and don't really see it as having caused any problems. A greater challenge for sure but that's been fun and the quality of driving throughout has been awesome no question.

    Anyway updated the pack with the L's removed but left the yellow plates as that was easier. I don't have the original skin files so these are all just the single layer DDS files.

    P.s. would have put them on the D1 skins but as I wasn't making any other alterations to these made sense to put them on the skins being edited. In any case I'm sure we'd all be happy to see a larger variety of skins brightening up the track.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2016
  11. ed40t

    ed40t Rookie

    Geez what did I start? haha
    I'm guessing most of the comments are aimed my way so I will respond accordingly.

    Firstly what is it with all this put down stuff? Who has put down anyone for being in any division? That is ridiculous, we are all here for fun and not everyone can spend hours in front of the wheel.

    Also I never expect anyone to move over and never said I did either, :) However I just can't see the point of doing it to a much faster car, eg. A few battles I had meant the div2 driver lost touch behind the other div2s. Most of the battles I had with div2 drivers were great, including everyone who posted recently, especially our battle spidey. I would have done the same as you! Goes back to the old saying "time and place".

    I disagree somewhat, especially if that person was taken out unfairly/accidently! If I could see in my mirror someone catching me quickly and I decided to become defensive and accept the pressure of another car up my arse my lap times would drop and I would lose touch with the others who I should be battling. From my point of view I saw this quite a few times on Monday night. I can't remember who it was but there where a few guys who where in that position and they drove smartly and weren't comprised at all? This track because it is so hard to pass, I guess, brings this whole issue to light. Barbagallo will be the same so ALL YOU DIV2 GUYS MUST LET ME THROUGH WHEN I STUFF UP. lol

    The new liveries are cool dunno about the yellow plate though, i dont think special liveries are required to be honest, I am happy the way it is, just wanted to shed some light on my thoughts.

    Anyway bring on Barbagallo my home track.
    Spidey_11, krunch, Mael and 2 others like this.
  12. Driftoz

    Driftoz Team Driver Gold Member

    wow i disapear for 2 races and come back to this lol :p

    @spita84 you mentioned about splitting divs into 2 servers, we have done this for many seasons already it just depends on grid size for us to choose to run 1 or 2 servers.

    Ill be back on monday sorry i been MIA for 2 rounds had surgery last mon and then went out to photograph the supermoon this monday lol i think this is possibly only the 4th race ive missed in 9 seasons :D , and for the L plates it dosent bother me heck even when i first joined and we were running our own skins before we had teams and divs i was putting L plates on my car for a laugh and after 9 seasons i still would do the same haha and i second the motion for diffrent colours for divs or something because in vr i have no names apart from what shows up in my realtime app but most of the time im also too focused on trying to stay on the track with a consistant pace that i dont even pay attention to what colour the car is so i prob wouldnt even notice the L plates or team colours
    krunch, KoAStR and loris P. like this.
  13. krunch

    krunch ACC Server Legend Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    Interesting stuff guys :). Really good for everyone to voice their thoughts. I can see both sides of the argument but I agree that when we are all in one race in the same car we should be allowed to race - as long as sensibility prevails.

    On Monday there were a couple of times where a div1 driver came up behind and I made a decision based on my pace at the time. In my case they didn't fly up behind me but chipped away, got onto my tail and made clean moves up the inside. I conceded by the next corner, but no earlier. This made sure I didn't lose much time by hanging on too long and running wide. By the same token, if I were to come up behind a div1 driver who might have damage or shot tyres I'll go for a move so as not to be pushed back to the guy behind. I'll defend a bit harder against fellow div2 guys as that affects my points.

    Another thing to consider is that ballast is assigned separately for each division so a low ballast div2 driver could catch up to a high ballast div1 driver in a particular race, especially with tyre wear involved. So the div lines can get pretty blurred.

    In my view the divisions shouldn't just be about speed - they should also be about race craft and reputation. Someone in div1 should be reasonably fast and consistent in clean laps, but also be able to pass, defend and be passed cleanly. If a driver is alien at hotlapping but is regularly involved in incidents in the race then maybe they should drop back to div2 for a season as an incentive to improve racecraft (not aimed at anyone - just an idea).

    If we have enough people racing I like having separate rooms for the divs. But I also enjoy the all-in-one races when we need to fill the grid. The PRO, PROAM and AM idea is good too and we've done it before (behold the S4 ProAm class winner!).

    Thanks for your work @KoAStR doing the livery alternatives. I also had a giggle about L plates but probably best to leave them off :).
    Peter Wise, KoAStR and Rolz like this.
  14. Troy

    Troy Rookie

    A Few seasons ago when i had a race i felt like i was creating problems due to my lack of skill and inability to keep it between the lines. So i left for a while to learn to drive. ( I'm getting better these days ) I was thinking of returning soon and i like the idea of a slow guy and fast guys server so i dont feel the need to constantly look over mt shoulder as i get lapped all night. Oh and a mark to let people know your a beginner is not a bad thing.
    Peter Wise, Rolz and krunch like this.
  15. spita84

    spita84 Rookie

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    I think my post may have been misunderstood (or maybe it hasn't). First of all I don't think that this is an argument at all and I don't want people to think that us div 2 guys have got it in for the div 1 guys. I think that this is just a discussion about things that WILL happen if we are all in the one room and I am by no means having a go at anybody. I also think that this is healthy for all members so we all know where we stand.
    Now the only reason I say we should seperate the rooms (I do not want this to happen by the way) is because I think we are all here for the same reason. RACINING COMPETITIVLY IS FUN!!! If we are in one room and when a div 1 driver catches me and I can't race them then that is no longer fun. No point combining the rooms if we can't race each other imo. If I'm going to let a div 1 driver drive on by then we have only combined room so there are a lot of people on the track at once.
    Just a thought, what happens if I catch a div 1 driver? Do I just lap behind them or am I allowed to try and overtake?
    My opinion is we have no divisions at all (not for this season)and we all race if we are on the lead lap, getting lapped is totally different.
    Maybe we can post here each week to allocate a spot and if numbers get too big then we can split rooms. Pretty rare that we get more than 24 drivers I think and if you post here saying you are going to race but you don't turn up you miss the next week unless there is room, again just a thought.

    Bloody hell that was a long post from me, sorry for draining your lives, ;) just wanted to put some scenarios out there and figure out the reasons why we have combined rooms.
  16. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Thanks all I agree this is a healthy discussion.

    My take is that so long as you are in the lead lap you can choose to race (be that attempt to pass or defend) anyone. Particularly as ballast is assigned per div there will be cases where lower div drivers will be legitamitly faster, let alone differences in pit strat / tyre wear. Otherwise it's not racing it's a parade.

    But knowing that battling will always ultimately slow both battling cars down, I would think most would want to consider their moves more carefully when along side a drivers not competing for championship points.

    Certainly guys who may be a lap down must giveway to lead lap drivers regardless of division.

    Reading over the posts seems most are aligned with this.

    So @spita84 by all means in that scenario you are entitled to have a crack but personally I would be a bit more patient for an opportunity I am more confident in than if approaching someone I was battling for points with.

    I can concede the plates are not really necessary for regulars and maybe a bit hasty. I was just thinking of new guys in the mix unfamiliar with the teams and divs, and not unprecedented with similar coloured plates used in iRacing and real life MTB even for denoting category so got pehaps overly ethusiastic.. but I will put some more work in and remove them completely.

    That being said. Nothing stopping anyone from modding or not installing the season skins for themselves.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2016
    Rolz, spita84 and Peter Wise like this.
  17. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Updated. No plates. :notworthy: :whistling: :thumbsup:
    krunch and Rolz like this.
  18. Tovey_4saken

    Tovey_4saken Team Driver

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    maybe for the next season I could whip up some number plates with drivers names on them help out the VR guy's and colour code them for div's blue victoria plate for div 2 yellow nsw plates for div 1 something bright that can be seen from afar :thumbsup:
    spita84, krunch, Anon666 and 5 others like this.
  19. Driftoz

    Driftoz Team Driver Gold Member

    i dont think id be able to see any numberplate on a car, bad eyes plus VR is pretty blurry all i see in my rearview is what colour the whole car is so i only know who my teammates are
  20. krunch

    krunch ACC Server Legend Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    Just a point on the lack of driver names in VR - I can keep an eye on who's in front and behind me using the Realtime app. I have it positioned in the upper left of the view in the A pillar where I can glance at it during the race. Starts are too frantic to look at it but when the race settles it's useful.

    The inverted colours or plates ideas are still useful as I don't always remember who's in which div :).